Chapter 5

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A/N: Now ..who do I imagine to be similar to Gavril...*points up above* without the scruff though o: I forgot his full name but the model's first name is Atesh. I remember him from when he modeled for G. Armani and Vogue since some of my cousins had those magazines thrown all over the place. When the boring chatter of nail polish keeps going, the bored go reading.


I was finally the next one in line to order. So hungry! "Next!" the cashier girl called. I walked a few steps before something hit me from behind and knocked me to the side. "Yes I'll have the flatbread pizza with organic tomatoes and a bit of cheese," a girl ordered.

"Hey, I was next," I stood up and frowned. The girl and her posh-since they were all wearing something pink and in mini skirts that almost showed their butt cheeks, turned around to face me. I groaned internally. It was a barbie. "Uh...where did you come from? I think you need to get your eyes checked because...I just place my order," she looked me over. Her eyes were flashing colors from brown to green and now pitch black-harpy eyes. Harpies' eye colors changed depending on their mood, and now she's being cold and calculating-like that's gonna scare me. "I was next. Do you need to get your eyes checked from being stuck all the way up on top of your head?" I tilted my head to the side. Her girlfriends all gasped and watched what the lead bleached blonde to pink ombre was going to do. She narrowed her eyes and posed the Mean Girls pose almost making me crack a smile. Why are they so predictable? "I think you should go eat something more normal. You think you can just waltz back into Helvinski Territory and do whatever you want, Gypsy?"

"Oh. M. Geee! You know who I am!" I gasped. "I never knew I was so popular. Why, I've only been here since yesterday and you know me! What special treatment, so welcoming," I sighed. Her pale skin was flushing red. You could almost see the fumes curling out of her ears. "You better watch yourself, Gypsy. You're treading on unstable ground."

"I thought we were arguing about who had the right of ordering next, Ms. I'm-so-insecure-I-need-to-threaten-a-Gypsy-to-keep-mah-ordah," I said, raising an eyebrow. A few girls around her tried to squelch their laughter when she shot them evil looks. We were already getting a crowd of spectators. Her mouth was gaping like a fish, trying to figure something else to say. This was getting boring quick. I thought she being a paranormal would come up with something different but I guess not. Public school already showed me many of these things. I hated it. "You know what, just forget this and finish up your order. For cutting in line and now holding it up, you're really thinking too highly of yourself. If you haven't realized, I believed there are a few Canis Lupus behind us," I grinned at her. Harpies tended to not get along with Canis Lupi. Something about them being game prey for Canis Lupi back in the day. She paled a bit and looked around. Her eyes went wide and shaded to sky blue before they turned black when she looked at me. "Yes? You're going to finish up, right? We're all hungry," I emphasized. Was that a shiver up her spine? Her friends shifted around on their high heels, making them click. She narrowed her eyes in a this-isn't-over look before spinning around and finishing up her order. Teehee! You are bad, Little One.

Oh? You were listening in?

I'm always listening in. Why tempt a harpy?

Why not when they're clearly in the wrong?

You're answering a question with a question.

But my answer is the question. They're clearly in the wrong for doing such a thing. Regardless if they're a paranormal or a human, you do something wrong, it should make you feel ashamed of yourself. Plus, I'm starving. I get grumpy when I'm hungry.

Duly noted. Are you still searching for something?

Nah just waiting for the cashier to finish Barbie's order. She's making it so non-fat that it ain't a pizza no moar.

The Gypsy & The Fae (Helvinski Territory Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now