Chapter 10

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Gavril hasn't texted me at all the past week. I became obsessed checking my cell. Even this obsession was driving me crazy. I was never like this! I wanted to chuck my cell into the wall but that would be a very bad idea. Whenever I looked up after a cell check, Mom would be staring. She would ask who I was waiting to text and I just told her the truth. I waited for Gavril. She would just nod her head and continue on, not questioning more.

I've been practicing and now I can make a ball of electric blue spark and zap in each of my palms. I wasn't as drained anymore. Casper asked me to try and see if I could make them into fishes in the fountains. That took a bit of tinkering and me overloading and shocking myself. In the end, I was able to make three small, electrified Koi fishes in the water. Casper forgot they weren't real and pounced on one that was close to him. He got a good shock out of it though. Teehee!

During dinner the night before the first day of school, Mom announced that Sandri Chrys will be my temporary tutor till her husband makes it back. I nodded my head and tried to take another bite of teriyaki chicken. "She's very nice, Shelly. You don't have anything to worry about. Just be careful around her when doing spells or magic. She's...fragile," Mom tried to explain spinning her fork in the air.

"But she's better than before she met Mr. Heaton?"

"Yes! Much so! Just watch when she's doing her magic. For some reason she can make the most beautiful spells but it drains her heavily. Don't let her try anything out of the blue." I nodded my head and went back to eating. After dinner, I clicked through the channels and finally called it a night when nothing held my attention. I took a shower and tucked myself in for bed. Staring at my cell, I grabbed it off the bedside table and sent Gavril a text.

Me: Your Mother's going to be my Tutor. Going to sleep now. Night.

I hit send and laid back down. He hadn't replied to my three other texts where I sent a good night either. I felt mad, sad, and frustrated. He suddenly fell off the other side of the world and couldn't even just text back to say good night? Two words? Did I not mean anything to him as much as I thought? I read online that boyfriends-but is he a boyfriend if he's a Life Mate? ARGH! Forget this! I hate these evil feelings! It's all bringing down my mojo!!! "Night Casper," I muttered through my face plant in the pillow.

Night Shelly. See?! Even a cat has the decency to reply!

Piiiii! Pii pii! Piiiii! I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock and rolled off the side of the bed, not caring about hitting the floor hard on my bum. I crawled across the floor and used the door frame to the bathroom to stand back up. I took a semi cold shower to wake up and use up some of the nervous energy coiling in my tummy. Wrapping a towel around my body, I wiped a patch of the mirror clean of the fog and stared. There were black circles around my eyes. Sweet! Not. I brushed my teeth then dried my hair and ran a brush through it to let it air dry. I went in my walk-in closet and pulled on a pair of dark blue jeans, and blue t-shirt with the words I'm Not A Monday Person. It was the closest I'm ever getting to stating that I wasn't looking forward to this. I grabbed my old messenger bag and stuffed some notebooks, paper, pens and pencils inside. Grabbing my wallet and stuffing it in a back pocket, I clicked the cell on to see if I got anything. The Verdict: N-O-T-H-I-N-G. I rolled my eyes and stuffed that in a front pocket. Casper's tail was sticking out of his house tree. Thankfully he too wasn't a morning person.

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