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noun ~ the action or process of being received as suitable

* sexual content *


"Will you accept it, Calida?" Charlie wondered. "Will you accept me?"

I blinked through the haze of the light, finding his warm brown eyes staring down at me. The ring in his hand glimmered in the candlelight, waiting.

Was he stupid? Has he lost his mind?

"Charlie..." I whispered, blinking back the tears. "Of course, I accept you. You are...my mate."

His lips curled into the broadest grin as he took my hand and slipped the ring over my finger. The moment it hit my knuckle, I was freeing my hand from his and connecting my mouth with his. This time, he touched me, his hands roaming my body over my clothes before becoming more adventurous and slipping them beneath. I shuddered when his skin contacted mine, and he pulled me in closer.

Pulling away, he breathed heavily in my ear. "Can I take this off?"

"Only if you take off yours." I teased, kissing his jaw.

He groaned, fingers slipping beneath my t-shirt and pulling it over my head. Goosebumps pebbled my skin at the bareness, but Charlie's eyes did not waver from mine. I blushed softly as I unbuttoned his shirt before pushing it down past his shoulders. When we came together again, the bare warmth of his tan skin burned me.

He was hot and needy, and the energy fizzled and crackled between us. I grew ravenous, the thrumming in my head and heart eager for his touch to be everywhere. Before I knew it, he lay me down in the fort in only my pants. My bra had been discarded, and Charlie hovered over the top of me. I saw an eye twitch and my lips curled into a smirk.

"You can look at me, Charlie."

"Thank goodness." He groaned.

His eyes dropped to my bare skin, hungrily taking in my nudity. With a soft moan, his head dipped and pressed deep kisses into my skin. He trailed his lips down my collar, over the smoothness of my breast, and into the dip of my waist. He nibbled at my stomach, taking my pants in his teeth and snapping them back into place. I jolted, glaring at him, and he chuckled before coming back to kiss me.

My hands grabbed pieces of him, pulling him forcefully into me so that all of his bare skin touched mine. Still in his boxers, I dragged my nails down his back before dipping them into his waistband. I tugged at them, wanting nothing more than to free him of his confines. But he leaned away, taking my hands in his and pushing them above my head. The new position enthralled me, and my eyes widened with delight.

"Now, now, let's not rush things." He sang.

"Charlie, please." I begged. "Please, I want you."

"You do?" His eyes widened, squeaking. "I mean, oh, you do?"

"Yes, please." I nodded.

A darkness crossed his eyes, that I recognised as his wolf, and a deep grumble vibrated the small enclosure we lay in. With him above me, it was dark, but the faint twinkling of the fairy lights lit up the corners of his face.

"You are beautiful." He mumbled, kissing me.

My spine arched into him, but he restricted my hands.

"So beautiful that we mustn't rush into things when so much needs to be done." Charlie grumbled.

With one hand pinning my arms, his other came to the waistband of my panties. He quirked an eyebrow at the dark lace, a mischievous smirk on his cheeks.

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