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adjective ~ not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions


Watching my mate flutter around the downstairs lounge was nothing short of amusing. To top it off, Charlie was in the 'naughty corner', and has been for twenty-five minutes. Even now, he was sitting with a pout, watching the house erupt into 'get-together' chaos. He had three minutes left; apparently it was one minute per every year he was alive.


Because he annoyed Nova.

It is a simple answer, but the equation that got him there is long.

Besides following her everywhere and telling her where to place things, he would snatch out of her hands. So, for his childish behaviour, she luna commanded him into the corner. And there may he remain. Hunched over, arms crossed and a dangerous pout on his lips.

I chuckled at the sight of him, and his eyes shot to me. They narrowed, upper lip curling with annoyance. I nodded at him, pointing to the watch on my wrist. If possible, he only grew more agitated, and huffed, turning to face away from me.

I had chosen the smart way out, and that was keeping out of my mate's way. I prepared party food and wine glasses, even though she denied it was a party.

The twins were sleeping peacefully in their cribs by the stairs, their usual nap time due to end at any moment. To further fulfil the 'get-together' and definitely not a party theme, it was only five o'clock. Pollux believed he was coming round for dinner tonight before he left in the morning. Nova was a nervous wreck thinking about his departure, and admittedly, I worried about the guy. He was only small.

Charlie shifted, watching Nova as she karate chopped the sofa cushions. Eyeing my watch, I counted down the seconds remaining of Charlie's time out. He had thirty seconds and knew it because his eyebrow quirked as he looked at me. I was about to grin when a sharp smack of cotton hit me in the chest.

Darting to the culprit, Nova stood over me with a glare. I frowned up at her, waiting for the reprimand that I was about to receive.


"What?" I spluttered.

"I need to tidy the sofa."

"Nova, the pack is coming and will most likely be outside."

"Yes, but they will come inside for snacks and drinks!" She tutted. "Off, please."

Grinning, I rose to my full height, and she watched me with a soft blush. Pecking her on the top of the head, I moved to open the glass doors. The moment fresh air wafted through the room, there was a scuffle of feet and a shout of complaint.

"There! Twenty-eight minutes! I am free!" Charlie exclaimed.

I watched him run from the room and outside with an amused smirk. Glancing at my mate, she stared at him, flabbergasted, before shaking her head with a soft smile. Charlie may be three weeks older than me, but he sure acted like a child at times. Nova had once admitted to me she felt like he was the annoying younger brother she never had.

"He's bonkers." She muttered.

"He's Charlie." I grinned, inhaling the fresh air. "Pollux is nearly here."

My mate cursed softly, turning to stare out the window. "He's going to kill me."

I chuckled, striding over to her. Pulling her into my embrace, I felt how tense she was, but with a gentle kiss, I ran my hand down her spine. She melted into my touch with a gentle sigh, resting her head against my chest. I heard her hum with satisfaction, and slowly the bond worked its magic and she calmed down. Taking hold of her chin, I lifted her face to mine. Her green eyes blinked up at me, worried creases in her brow. I kissed it softly before dipping down and capturing her lips between mine.

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