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adjective ~ worried or slightly frightened


Snapping out of my daydream, I stared blankly at the two men before me. Pollux was watching me with raised eyebrows but Sean seemed uncaring.

"We all going together?" I asked, clearing my throat.

Pollux smirked. "Yeah, meet outside at eleven?"


He and Sean departed fairly quickly after that, and once the door shut behind them, I relaxed back into the chair. My mind drifted back to the moments with Calida. Despite Nova's agitated reasoning for our conversation, it worked out well.

I shook my head, amused at the fact her temper-tantrum actually resulted in something beneficial for me. Admittedly, all my mate did was hold my hand and smile, but I felt the bond grow warm, which meant she felt something on her side. It wasn't just a spoof, she definitely felt something for me. If she didn't, or she hated me, then I would feel nothing.

After that moment, I memorised her every feature before she pulled me to stand. She had declared she was going back inside and I walked her to her destination before knowing I had to part ways. Phoenix had needed me that afternoon to prepare notes for his video call with the Royals. I had already been half an hour late.

Thankfully, he understood. As soon as I mentioned I was speaking with Calida because his mate was being mean, he let it slide. I may have taken that for granted, and used Nova as an excuse whenever I was caught slipping. I wondered if he realised, but it was Phoenix, so of course he did.

Calida had not spoken to me since that day and had made herself scarce in the pack house. I gave her the time, respecting her wishes and my words. I couldn't back down on them, not when I had to prove myself to her. She needed to know that I wasn't going anywhere, but I would not be pushy.

We had some good times, including when she had managed to get dye into my shampoo. She should've done it way sooner, though, because it was easy for me to track her scent. I knew she had tainted it, but used it anyway. She had gone through such a tough time that I wanted nothing more than to make her happy.

She would brush up against me with lingering touches, grin at me and crack jokes. But the moment she found out about her health, all of that life seemed to just disappear. The full moon was coming soon, and I wondered if she was thinking about that.

I flicked through my calendar at the thought, counting the days until it happened. March eighteenth; we had eight days. I wonder if she would choose during that time. My wolf yearned to be close to her; spring was a time for new beginnings, and most wolves often bore pups at this time.

I sighed, dropping the calendar to stare at the time, when my stomach grumbled. It was no wonder Sean came wandering in here; it was nearing eleven at night already. I had been in here since dinner time. Phoenix had no snacks in his office, and the top drawer that was locked didn't sound like it had any wrappers inside.

Tidying up the desk, I wrote a note about what I had to accomplish tomorrow. I had to be up for half-six to try to finish the final draft of my account of Donovan and Alessea. That, on top of inventory, patrol routes, emails and letters from adjoining packs wishing for things, and even the odd threat.

I eyed that top drawer again before curiosity got the better of me. Going into his neatly arranged stationary drawer, I scoffed at his organisation. I pulled out a letter opener and got to work on the desk. I could just break it; but then he would know I had got it open.

A few wiggles and jiggles, and the lock shifted and clicked open. I grinned, placing the letter opener down, and slowly pulled open the drawer. My face fell with disappointment when a white envelope stared up at me. Huffing, I rifled through the drawer just in case of sugar, but was just met with more letters and envelopes.

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