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adjective ~ arousing one's curiosity or interest


Charlie was going to lose it.

I could feel his nerves growing. It made me uncomfortable; the emotion becoming so strong that it felt like my own.

Why did he feel nervous? Was it the twins?

I cocked my head, narrowing my eyes as I studied him. He was hardly nervous.

He was often elated when around others, or sad and longing when he would look at Calida. I could practically feel his wolf in his soul crying out for the bond. The closer I grew to Charlie, the more I understood his mind. His mate was harder to read; her mind often closed off. I wasn't sure how she had such a sturdy lock down on her emotions, but she was almost impenetrable.

Leaning back on the sofa, I crossed my leg over my knee and tried to act like I wasn't tuning into his mind.

Emotions were like a haze, and instead of seeing auras or colours, I felt the emotion like it was my own. I spent a lot of my life growing up pushing it away, confused why I felt so many emotions. It made it easier to play with Raven, but when she was angry and I was just a small child, it made me angry, too. It caused for a lot of arguments.

But now, I could feel the warmth of Charlie's anxiety swirling in my throat. My temple always ached when I focused my mind and even now, the dull ache pulled me toward him.

"Are you okay?" I wondered softly.

His brown eyes darted to me, a brief flicker of shock before he smoothed it over with a lazy smile and a joke.

"No, I'm Charlie."

Rolling my eyes, I shifted my gaze back to the arm of the sofa I leaned against. I saw him shift from the other end of the sofa, nervously wringing his hands.

Charlie was a complicated individual, and it was no wonder it drew me to his mind. I liked the complicated and the confusing.

When I realised I could go anywhere, and be anything I wanted to be, I left my childhood home. Gaia gave me full support. The woman never restricted me as an adult. So, at seventeen years old, with a freshly developed wolf and mouldable mind, I left.

I went to many human villages, trying to blend in, and found that I did, successfully. I even made some people that were close to me, and honestly thought I would stay there for the rest of my life...



My eighteenth birthday, a day of adulthood and independence, and here I was, in a café.

Not exactly the wildest of birthdays.

The past year has been wild enough. I have spent most of it travelling. I never stayed in one place for more than a week.

Today was day three of this place, and I was in a small town called Arleybay. It was a seaside village around three hundred miles east of where I grew up. Its name came from its often over-population of rabbits in the spring-time, its meadows plentiful of the little furry creatures.

I had stumbled here out of curiosity. When I first went travelling, it was to explore, but the longer I spent out of here alone, the more I found I seemed to look for something. I wasn't sure what it was, but it drew me to keep moving. That's why I never stayed so long. Nothing piqued my curiosity.

My mind, often full of thoughts, was clear today. Mostly when I found a village I liked, I would sleep in the forest in my beast form and wash in a stream. This village had no dense trees, which meant I had to stay in an inn. The local people were friendly and so far, I have met no creature other than human, which was nice. They were simple creatures.

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