~ Chapter 1 ~ A New Case

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~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

I had just finished filing some inmate documents for the bunch of criminals that just came in today, I was about to call it a day when I heard Adalbert speaking.

He was going on about there being some new court case about Fatui Harbingers roaming around the streets in Fontaine, one of them being Arlecchino and the other one we don't know of.

I went over to join their conversation to see what this case was gonna be about.

" Oh- Duke Wriothesley, how may I be of assistance today?" Adalbert Spoke Formally

" Nothing really Adalbert, I just would like to know about this case regarding the Fatui?"

" Of course. apparently on what I've heard about this case regarding the Fatui is that during this case the Chief Justice will be making his first appearance after being gone for 438 years."

I was pretty much stunned as the rest of the prison at Neuvillettes return after being gone for so long.

" Well isn't that interesting Adalbert, when will this case be taking charge?"

" About a week from now, Duke Wriothesley," Adalbert spoke almost instantly

I then thought on what I would be doing on that day of the court, and it seemed to be nothing so I figured he would go watch the trial happen in the Opera Epiclese.

" Well, it does seem I am free on that day Adalbert, care to come watch it with me?"

" I would certainly love to Duke Wriothesley, but I must inform you only fontainians with a high reputation or extreme wealth may go to that court case."

I found it unusual at first but when I gave it more thought it made sense, considering it was the Chief Justice's first arrival after so long.

" No worries Adalbert, you have a job to do here anyway I'll find someone else to go with."

"Glad you understand Your Grace." He Spoke

I then went back to my office to think if there was anyone who would want to go to see this case with me, immediately Clorinde and Navia came up, but then I gave it more thought and realized they would probably want to go just the two of them.

Just as I got up to go brew a cup of tea.

"Colette!" I shouted

Colette is Wriothesley's close friend and she would be allowed to come because she was one of the wealthiest families in Fontaine.

I then took my phone to call Colette, just as it rang once she answered it.

" Evening Wriothesley." She spoke

" Hey, Colette hope you're doing great. listen I'm not sure if u have heard of the new court case of the fatui-"

" I have heard about it." She said cutting Wriothesley off

" Well, I figured you and I could go together?"

" Oh- is the duke feeling lonely again?" She teased

" Hey! I'm not lonely I just don't wanna go alone alright?"

"I'm just teasing, of course, we can go together however there's just a slight problem."

" A problem? What makes you say that?" I asked inquisitively

"You see to get access to that court event, you need a special kind of access way in. In order to get this type of access you need to go to an access ceremony, fortunately for you the last one is tomorrow, we can go together and get your access license." She said seriously

" Wow, I was not expecting that thanks Colette for informing me I will take note of it."

" Great I guess I'll see you tomorrow at the Palais Mermonia, Goodbye Wriothesley."

" Sorted, good evening Colette."

I then hung up the phone and gathered all the items I needed to take back to my apartment in Meropide.

As soon as I reached my apartment I almost instantly threw myself down on my bed, as I was really tired today specially after dealing with 15 new criminals. I slowly started to close my eyes as I drifted away into a deep sleep.

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