Chapter 21: A New Beginning

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"What now, Princess?" Silvia asked, turning to Lilith. She didn't know what to say. What now? Then an idea came to mind.

"I hate this place. Well, I hate this whole castle but this place specifically." She said, smiling at Silvia. Lilith turned to look at her so-called father's throne. "His throne symbolizes nothing but fear and terror for me right now..." Lilith lowered her head, tears stinging her eyes, all the memories coming back.

Silvia put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Lilith looked back up to look at her and refocused on the throne. "Now, this throne shall symbolize a new beginning, the ending of my father's cruelty, and the start of my reign in this kingdom."

Silvia didn't know what she was saying until Lilith put her hand out. The throne lit up in a red blaze and transformed the old blue and gold colors into a new velvet red and silver. The king and his head both disintegrated with the old throne. The plain metal turned into carvings with intricate details of spirals and shapes.

The red glow disappeared and now stood a new throne. Lilith stepped back and smiled at her work. "It's beautiful..."Faye said, standing with Gabe and Silvia. Silvia whispered in response, "It really is." But she wasn't looking at the throne, she was staring lovingly at Lilith.

"So, are you going to rule in their place?"Gabe asked, walking up to Lilith. "Yes, and I would like all of you to be there with me. After all, none of this would've happened without you guys."She responded, smiling brightly. "Oh and one more thing."She said, turning and grabbing something from her pocket.

Lilith pulled out a small box, lined with green velvet. Getting down on one knee, opening the small box she said, "Will you marry me? Will you be my queen and help me rule and let me spoil you for the rest of time?"Silvia was silent.

"Yes! Yes! Oh God, yes!"Silvia shouted, jumping on Lilith, teary eyed. When they finally pulled away, Lilith kissed her, now crying as well. "No child! I'm still alive! You can't do this! You can't take everything! Your just like your mother!"They heard a woman cry.

The queen was still there and apparently got out of her ropes. Lilith turned to see her on the ground, crying by the throne. "Take? I only took everything from you because you did so to me. My whole life I wondered why I was never good enough but now I know why."Lilith paused, trying to stop the tears.

"You never even cared about my life, you only cared about your precious kingdom and who would rule after you were gone. You were so scared of my powers you tried to make them disappear. The funny thing is, if you wouldn't have done any of this, he would still be alive, and you wouldn't be on the ground, begging for your life."She walked slowly up to the queen.

"Now I ask you. Why? Why didn't you at least have a backup child in case this happened? Were you that confident that all my powers would disappear? Did you honestly think you could stop this from happening?"Lilith asked, kneeling in front of the queen, who was still staring at the ground, tears dropping.

Not wanting to touch her, Lilith used her magic to lift her head up, making her look Lilith in the eyes. "Why?"She repeated. "Don't you get it?"The queen asked, smiling. "I couldn't have another child! I went to that witch looking for answers and she couldn't give me one so yes! I took you from your crib! I figured I could take all the magic out of you but once I learned I couldn't, it was already too late. I couldn't just give you back! I knew you would come back and get revenge. I had no choice!"She yelled.

"Of course you had a choice. You could've chosen not to take me. You could've chosen not to make me feel like a failure for being born. You could've chosen to tell me about my past earlier and taught me to use my magic correctly. No choice? You had all the choice in the world."

Lilith got up, still looking down on the queen and announced, "Shall be ripped of your title as a royal, and will life out the rest of your days as a prisoner in my dungeon." She snapped and made chains appear on her wrists.

"You will never be seen as the queen again, from this point on, you are only Ruby Bexly, former queen of Devontae."She said, scowling down at her. "What makes you think you can rule now? You've just proved your not of royal blood. The throne was never your rightful place." The woman yelled, as she was being dragged away.

"It was stated in both yours and the King's wills that if either or both of you were to die, I would rule in your place, and it seems to me like he is, and your being arrested, so yes. It is my rightful place." Lilith smiled at the woman who had a terrified look on her face, as if she had seen a ghost.

That was the last Lilith saw of her former mother. She had never gone to visit, considering she wanted nothing to do with her. From that day on, Lilith did in fact rule with Silvia by her side.

Because Lilith was ruling, there was no need for a rebellion, and they were all given full citizenship of Devontae and lived in houses and really settled down.

In the meantime, Oliver and Gabe also got married and Silvia and Lilith eventually adopted a child once they were ready, also giving ng their kingdom an heir to the throne.

This may seem like a happy ending, but in all reality, it was just the start of a new story and new beginnings. So as we wrap up this tale, just remember that not all things are exactly what they seem...

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