Chapter 10: The Bond Fire

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Lilith awoke the next morning to Gabe yelling, "Wake up sleepyhead!","Gabe I swear to God, if you just woke me up this early for no reason-" Lilith started. "Sorry, princess. Official orders from Silvia. Come see this." Now that Lilith was less sluggish, she noticed Gabe was jumping up and down. Where did he get all that energy from this early in the morning?

"Is she- oh hi Lilith. Come on we have something to show you." For some reason, now that Silvia was excited about it Lilith wanted to see this even more now. She followed the two outside. Everything looked the exact same. "What am I looking at exactly?" Lilith questioned, turning around to look at them. "Step over here." Gabe said, stepping back.

Lilith followed his movements and suddenly, the camp was gone. Where did everything go? Then Lilith remembered their conversation last night. "Oh my goodness! You did it! You can't see any of the camp!" She yelled, turning to Gabe and Silvia. "Well, it wasn't all me. Oliver and Irma had to help me a little bit. Irma helped me regain my strength after a while and Oliver made some of the trees and stuff around the camp grow out more to make it look more natural." Gabe said smiling.

Now that Lilith thought of it, she had only ever seen Oliver either alone or with Gabe. He was about the only person he ever talked to. "Where's Oliver now?" Lilith asked, looking around for him with no success. "Oh he's sleeping. His powers are stronger than mine, but that also means it takes him longer to recover after using too much of it." Gabe explained.

"Oh ok, well I'm glad this whole thing worked out." Lilith said happily. "Oh and Gabe, does this not wear you out? Keeping this up let alone for as long as you have to?" Lilith asked, concerned. "No, once a spell like this is cast, it stays like that until I reverse it. Doesn't take much energy to cast it either." Gabe said, showing Lilith a thumbs up.

"That's good. I wouldn't want you to be constantly worn out because of an idea of mine " Lilith said, relieved. "Don't you worry, Lilith. I am their leader. I wouldn't have gone through with this if I thought this could hurt him." Silvia said with a reassuring smile. "I know but I just wanted to make sure. You can never be too careful." Lilith told her.

"I think we should celebrate! Bond fire tonight, everyone is invited!" Silvia yelled into the distance only to hear cheering in response. They walked back into the camp, Lilith watching as everyone prepared for the next night. Some people were trying to get sleep so they could stay up longer that night, others were just going about their business.

Lilith was training with Tobi. "You're getting better. You want to try beating Silvia again." Tobi asked, helping Lilith up. "No thank you. That's a very humbling experience I'm not ready for right now.", "That's fair." To I said, laughing slightly. "You want to wrap up today?" He asked. "One more time. I want to get this one thing I'm working on just right ", Lilith said, trying her best to make puppy dog eyes.

"No. I have stuff to do before tonight." He said, avoiding her eyes. "Please. Please. Please. I won't ask again just please this time." She begged. "Oh fine! What do you want to work on?" He asked looking at her again. "Thank you!" Lilith knew how to get him to do anything she wanted.
That night, Lilith arrived to the center of the camp which was being lit by a giant bond fire. People had set up chairs and benches, sitting and roasting whatever they cought the day before.

Lilith spotted Silvia, Gabe, Oliver, and Faye singing together at the top of their lungs. They definitely drank the rest of that whiskey they had stolen a couple of days back. "Lilith! Come join us! It's so fun. You just stand here-"

Silvia putted her up to the tree stump she was standing on. Lilith was now afraid of falling from it. "and you sing as loud as you can!" Silvia said, pulling her even closer. "Silvia, please let me down. I don't want to fall." Lilith said, trying to pull away. "Don't worry. How could I ever let you fall?" Silvia said, now hugging Lilith. She pulled away and did something now one expected to see that night.

Silvia had leaned forward and kissed Lilith. This would have been explained as "she was drunk" but the problem was, Lilith kissed back...

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