Chapter 16: A Promise To Keep

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Lilith and the others had been traveling all day, only stopping for food and water. They were all exhausted and needed rest but they were all also determined to get to the castle. Even if that meant passing out from exhaustion at the castle, they didn't care. Finally, Faye was able to knock some sense into them.

"Ok. We're all tired and need rest. We won't ever make it to the palace if we are walking zombies!" Faye scolded them. "Zombies?" Gabe asked confused. "They are people who have rotted skin and want to eat the living's brains. They don't have any sense either. You both have that in common, Gabe." Faye laughed at him.

"I've never heard of one before. Are they common in your country?" Oliver questioned. Sometimes Lilith forgot Faye wasn't from Devontae. Lilith was now interested in their conversation. "No no! Zombies aren't real. They are simply an old fairytale. They are fake."Faye continued to laugh at both Oliver and Gabe.

Lilith laughed with her but her attention was somewhere else. She looked at Silvia, who was refilling her canteen of water in a nearby river. Lilith walked over to her and sat down. "Are you ok? You seem really out of it today " Lilith asked, smiling at Silvia.

"Why do you have to know me so well?" Silvia joked. "Because I'm an amazing girlfriend." Lilith answered. "Well, you were right. I'm not feeling the best today. Can I tell you something?" Silvia looked Lilith directly in the eyes. "Yes." Lilith said.

"I'm sure the others told you that I have the sort of pre-mission ritual."Silvia said, turning away. "Well, before every mission, I pray to my father. I think he helps me. Even from beyond the grave."Silvia's words became quieter as she went on. "I think that's sweet. You must have had a good relationship with your father." Lilith smiled once again at Silvia, who was turning back to face her.

"I did. Thank you. Thank you so so much for being in my life Lilith." Silvia hugged her. "Thank you for choosing me." Lilith responded, hugging her back. "Today is the anniversary of his death. That's why I was crying earlier." Silvia said, hiding in the crook of Lilith's neck. "I know you noticed it earlier. While we were leaving you gave me that look. Like you were concerned about me but couldn't say it." Silvia cried even more now.

"It's ok. What was your favorite thing to do with him?" Lilith asked, pulling Silvia up to look at her. Silvia still tried to look away. "We used to go to open fields and make flower crowns together. That was so much fun. Although it didn't last long with him leading the rebellion. He was busy but he still tried to make time for me."

Lilith smiled at the thought of a young Silvia making flower crowns with her dad. She was falling more and more in love by the second. "Ok then. After all of this is over with, I promise I'll go make flower crowns with you to celebrate the man who made you so wonderful." Lilith said, grabbing Silvia's hand. "Thank you. Truly." Silvia kissed Lilith. "Your welcome, my love." Lilith said, then returned the kiss.

"Hey love birds!"Gabe called them from across the trail. "We gotta get going again or else we'll never make it!" Faye yelled after. "Well then, I guess it's time to go." Lilith said, squeezing Silvia's hand. "It's ok. I'll be here with you the entire time. I promise." Silvia said looking at Lilith with love in her eyes.


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