Chapter 11: Why me?

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Lilith kissed her back. The leader of a rebellion she was raised to hate and a woman none the less! Why did she kiss her back? Lilith couldn't wrap her head around this. It just felt right in the moment but boy was she wrong.

She pulled away to see a blushing Silvia, no doubt still very drunk. Lilith looked around to see everyone's shocked faces. "Finally" she could've sworn she heard a voice oddly close to Faye's say. Why wasn't anyone saying anything? It was so silent. And suddenly, Lilith felt like she was drowning in that silence.

She ran off to somewhere almost no one could find her, her training spot. Only she and Tobi used this grassy patch of land. She may have trained to fight her but it gave her a sense of safety her old home could never give her. She ended up sitting in the shadow of an old tree, looking to the the moon.

"Why did I do that? How can I be so- so stupid! She's drunk for God's sakes! Would I kiss her if she was sober?" Lilith began to question herself. Then she had to stop herself from answering because in reality she already knew the answer to that question and she hated it. Of course she would.

Silvia was not only beautiful, but she could fight better than anyone else, she was the leader of the rebellion, and she was just so caring and understanding twords Lilith. Then Lilith's worst thoughts came to her mind. What if she hates me now? What if she never talks to me again? What if she kicks me out of the rebellion!? Lilith kept thinking to herself.

She stopped only for a moment because she heard a bush beside her move. She turned to see Tobi walking twords her. "Hey. Crazy night am I right?" He said, trying to act normal. Lilith just turned away from him. "Ok, look. Are you ok? I know that tonight was probably...confusing to you, but at least  you know she likes you.-" He was cut off by Lilith.

"What do you mean?" Lilith turned to face him again. "I mean she wouldn't have kissed you if she didn't like you." Tobi smiled at her. "She's drunk and you're a fool. Why would she ever like me? Even if she did like women, which she probably doesn't, why me? Why would she of all people choose me?" Lilith said, tears stinging her eyes.

"I just want you to remember that drunken actions are just sober truths." He said, getting up. "When did you get all mushy on me, huh Tobi?", "Only this one time. Don't expect it during training." Then he walked away with a sort of bittersweet smile."Thanks Tobi. Really.", " Your welcome, Lil's"

That was something that only Tobi was allowed to call her. That's something only they shared, as teacher and student. He walked away for good this time, leaving her there, staring at the moonlight alone. "I'm going to ruin everything I've built. I want to stay here, but I can't now." She cried out. "Why did I do that!?" She cried harder until she fell asleep there, alone in the dark.

The next day she woke up and went straight to Silvia's tent. She had no idea what she was going to say but she was still determined to convince Silvia to let her stay. "Silvia! I am so so sorry! Please don't kick me out of the rebellion. I love it here you guys are like my family." Lilith said, bursting into Silvia's tent.

"What are you talking about? Why would I kick you out?"She said, confused. "So you don't remember last night?" Lilith asked shyly. "Oh no I do. I remember last night very well. I just don't regret it." Silvia said, walking out of the tent, leaving Lilith with her thoughts.

"What. But why. Why would she like me?"

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