Chapter 7: Goodbye

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Faye smiled at Lilith. "Ok. Let's get this show on the road."She said, walking up to a pitch black horse behind her. "This is midnight. About the most loyal horse you'll ever meet." The others got on horses of their own, leaving Lilith by herself.

Silvia reached out her hand from the top of her horse. "Well, get on. We don't have all day Lilith." Lilith grabbed her hand and with a little assistance from Silvia, got on the horse, sitting right behind her.

"Ok. I'll explain my plan on the way. Does everyone know where we are going?" Silvia said, looking behind her, staring at Gabe. "I know some of us aren't as good with following directions as others so listen up closely. All of you." There she went again with that intense stare that frightened Lilith.

"Ya ya I got it. Stop staring at me like that it freaks me out!" Gabe yelled at they started moving. "Too bad. Pay attention then."Silvia scolded him. "Yes ma'am." Gabe said grumpily like a child. "Hey Lilith. Are your trying to fall off? Hold on tighter."Silvia said, turning to now look at Lilith. "Oh. Ok then."Lilith said, wrapping her arms around Silvia's waist.

"Is everyone listening now? Gabe?" Silvia started. "Yes." Gabe mumbled from behind them. "Good. When we get there we are going to stick to the plan from before, but instead of handing Lilith over, we will bring her out of the sight of the king and queen. Then we will pretend to kill her. Simple enough for you?" Silvia said, looking ahead.

"Yes ma'am. I have one question though." Faye said, now coming closer to Silvia and Lilith. "How will we sell the fact that she is dead? I mean I doubt you want us to actually make her bleed, so..." Faye asked. "We'll figure it out on the way. For now that is my concern, not yours, Faye.", "Ok, whatever you say."Faye said, falling behind them once again.

They arrived to a small open patch of grass. "We're here " Silvia said, turning again to look at Lilith. "Where is here exactly?" Lilith asked as Silvia helped her down. "We sent word to your family of the deal and how much money we asked for. They should be here any minute. Sorry about this, but we are going to have to tie your hands together again. It won't be very believable if you are completely free." Silvia said, laughing a little.

"Ok"Lilith said, putting her hands behind her back, letting Silvia tie them together. They were a lot looser than before, and for that Lilith was glad. Just then they heard a, "Clip, Clip, Clip." Coming from the path opposite them. Silvia now had a tighter grip on Lilith's arm, but not tight enough to hurt.

"Where is she!? Where is my daughter!?" Lilith heard a very familiar voice well. Her father's voice. "Father!"Lilith yelled. She was trying her best to seem like a helpless little, "damsel in distress". Silvia genuinely looked annoyed by the high pitched voice Lilith only used in front of her parents.

"We have the money you wanted. Just please don't hurt her!" Lilith's mother cried, coming out of the carriage that was behind the King's horse. Lilith knew perfectly well that her parents didn't care about her safety, but the fact that she was the only child they had left. She had been reminded of that almost daily in the castle. She probably would be considered a burned of she went back there now.

The king tossed over a sack of money. "Well I thank you for your cooperation, but now that I think about it, she really does annoy me. In fact, I think I'll be doing everyone a favor if I just ended her now." Silvia said, looking at Lilith. Why did that kind of hurt to hear? She knew she didn't mean it, but she was still hurt by it. She decided not to think too much into it right now.

"Gabe, will you be so kind as to take care of her?" Silvia said, looking back at Gabe. Lilith looked back at him as well. He looked so serious now, almost a different person from the man who was acting like a man-child a couple of minutes ago. He now walked up to Lilith, Silvia handed Lilith off to him now. "Get the princess!" Lilith's father yelled to his guards.

They started running twords them, but within the blink of an eye, they all stopped. Lilith looked down to see they were rooted in the ground, literally. There were roots coming out of the ground, tying them in place. Lilith turned to face Oliver, who was behind her. His eyes and one hand was glowing green.

There was another glow coming from behind her as well. Gabe. His eyes were purple now and a purple glow surrounded them both. He dragged her away into the forest around the grassy patch while saying to the king and queen, "Say goodbye to your princess while you still can." With a grin on his face. He was truly terrifying like this, especially when he was the one with a death grip on her.

They made it into the forest and Gabe said, "Sorry if I scared you a bit. I hate to show that side of myself. Right now I need you to scream like I'm going to kill you. Make sure they can hear you." Lilith just stood there. He was really good at this whole, "I'm going to kill you" act. "Ok. No please! Don't hurt me! Ahhhhhh!" Lilith screamed as loud as possible, in her highest pitched voice.

"Good. Now I need you to act dead for me, you got that?" Gabe asked. "Wait "Lilith said, pointing to a bush near them. " Those berries. Their red." Lilith said happily. "Ok?" Gabe said, confused. "Here, just do this." Lilith said grabbing a handful of them. She grabbed his sword and crushed some of them on it, making it look like blood. Then, she smeared some of them on her stomach.

"Now. Please continue." Lilith said, now going limp in Gabe's arms. "Wow. Smart princess. Ok let's go." He said, pulling her with him. Gabe threw her to the ground  like she didn't weigh anything. "That's sad. I had really hoped she would've put up more of a fight." He said, licking the berries off of his sword. "No!" The queen yelled. The king rushed forward but was shot back when Gabe put another shield around her.

And just like that, to the royal family of Devontae, their princess was dead.

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