Chapter 2: Where Am I?

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Slowly, light started to sting her eyes and she could see the sun. Lilith was also able to notice that she could not move her hands and that they were bound behind her back. "Where am I?" She mumbled to herself, not expecting an answer but got one regardless.

"You are far, far away from home, princess. But don't worry. We'll take very good care of you here." She heard a woman say. She didn't see her face though. She did feel her sharp knife at the edge of her chin though.

Lilith's eyes shot open at this. There was a pale, light haired, hazel eyed woman with a braid pointing a knife at her throat. "There you are, " she said, almost like she was amused. " Who are you? What do you want?"Lilith tried to question the woman, but it's very hard to interrogate someone who had you tied up and has your life in their hands. Literally.

"Who I am is none of your concern right now. You are going to do exactly what I want if you want to live. You got that Princess?" The woman asks, grinning. Lilith couldn't speak properly right now so she just let out a small nod.

"Good." The blonde woman says, now pulling Lilith forward. "What are you doing!?" Lilith screams. " I'm cutting your ropes. Now if you don't want to loose a finger, hold still" The woman responded very calmly.

"Why?" Lilith asked, confused. "Well, those wounds won't heal themselves. Now, why don't we get you to our lead medic. She'll take great care of you." She said, holding her hand out. It was then that Lilith realized she was still on the ground while the woman had been waiting for her.

"I meant why are you just letting me walk free? I'm a prisoner here am I not? So are you not afraid of me just running away?"Lilith questioned as she walked. "No. You won't run away. You're too scared to. We could kill you at any moment if you tried to run. Plus, you don't even know where you are, let alone how to get home."

Lilith stayed silent after that, though she knew the woman was right. "We're almost to our medic. She has never seen a wound she couldn't fix. She's like a mother to us all. Having said that if you try anything, I'll kill you." The woman said smiling. "Got it. So, where am I exactly?" Lilith tried asking again. "Well, I can't tell you that, that's the whole point." The woman looked back at her.

They arrived at a small tent that was a dark green color. It was a fairly large tent and the front flaps were open. They walked inside and Lilith cought a slight glimpse of an old woman and a faint blue glow. "Why hello, Silvia. Who is this you have her?" The woman said in a sweet, quite voice.

"I'm Lilith"...  

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