Chapter 3: Irma The Healer

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"Well hello, Lilith "The woman spoke with respect, something Lilith did not expect from her. "Hello. And you are?" Lilith questioned the old woman. The woman simply made eye contact with her, forcing Lilith to look right into her dark, almost black eyes.

"Irma. Can we please get to business. Stop messing around." The woman the old lady referred to as Silvia said sternly. "Now is that any way to speak to your elders dear?"Irma replied

"No. I'm sorry Irma but we really need to get a move on with this or else the king and queen will find us before we can offer the deal." Silvia answered her.", "Very well, my child. Now as for you, Lilith. I will fix you right up so our grumpy leader can get her plan over with." Irma turned to Lilith.

"Ok." Lilith said, nodding her head and following Irma to the far end of the tent. Lilith did catch a glimpse of Silvia smiling and shaking her head on her way to Irma, though so she couldn't be that angry with her.

Silvia walked off and out of the tent, leaving Lilith and Irma alone. This wasn't exactly what Lilith would call a "comfortable situation" though. "Don't worry dear. It doesn't matter how much she threatened you, she would never kill you. She actually tries to avoid hurting people if possible. Sweet child." Irma said, looking at the scrape on Lilith's arm.

Lilith also looked ant her arm, then suddenly realizing what happened the night before said, "My bracelet! It's gone!" Irma looked not surprised in the least. "Silvia did mention something falling off of you on the way here, but didn't feel the need to stop." Irma told her, still looking for other scrapes.

"Now, this won't hurt a bit but it is slightly startling. Having said that, please hold still this won't take long. Irma put her hand up to the small scrape on Lilith's face and blue stared illuminating the tent. "What is this?" Was all Lilith could muster. "Magic. Ancient magic with healing properties. And we are done." Lilith got up to look in the mirror and find that the once bloody scrape was now gone.

Irma continued to heal all of the little scrapes and bruises on Lilith. All of them disappearing like they were never there. "It is truly wonderful. Have you always been able to do this, Irma? If so, why not show my father and get a well paying job instead of working here? Wherever here is exactly..." Irma didn't answered for a minute"I-"Irma started. "We need to go. It's time, princess. You'll get to see your family again, don't worry." Silvia interrupted, walking into the tent.


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