Chapter 17: They Arrive

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They all saddle up again and head off to the castle. Now that they got their strength back, there was nothing stopping them. They traveled for a couple of hours before they saw it. Lilith looked out, peeking out in-between two bright green trees, the place she once called home.

"Are you ok?" Silvia asked, now right beside her. "Ya. I just... When I lived there, I thought this place was amazing. Now when I look at it all I can think about is all the people they've hurt." Lilith looked down when she talked.

Silvia lifted her chin so she was looking at her. "Well, we're about to make that all stop. For good." Silvia reassured her. "I know. Thank you. All of you." Lilith said, turning to face the others. "You are all blessings in my life." She said, smiling at them.

"So, you ready?" Silvia asked. "Ready as I'll ever be. Let's go." Lilith told her, smiling. And just like that, they were headed to the castle to kill Lilith's father. They got to the edge of town and Silvia stopped them. " Lilith, we need you to put this on." Silvia said, holding out a cloak.

"It's just a precaution. I'll stay with you but everyone else will be spread out around town and we will meet at the entrance to the castle." She said, as Lilith grabbed the cloak from her.

"Ok. So no stops or anything right? Just straight for the castle?" Lilith asked, pulling up the hood. "We will have to stop at a couple of places so we don't seem suspicious but other than that, yes.", "Ok then, let's go." Lilith said, getting off her horse as the others followed.

Faye went with Gabe and Oliver stayed hidden in the woods just off the town with Irma and the horses. Silvia and Lilith headed in the opposite direction of Faye and Gabe as they waved goodbye and good luck.

Silvia and Lilith took a route that was a bit more secluded than the way that Faye and Gabe went, with was most likely on purpose to avoid anyone recognizing Lilith. They did pass a few guards along the way, but they payed no attention to Silvia and Lilith.

They arrived at what seemed like a dead end to anyone who hadn't lived in the castle, but to Lilith, it was the best way into and out of the castle. She pulled back the leaves and vines that had grown over it to reveal a door. One that would lead straight into the kitchens of the castle.

They looked over to find Faye and Gabe walking twords them. "Everything went well for us, what about you guys? No one recognized her did they?" Gabe asked, genuinely worried.

"You guys worry too much. Almost no one other than my family or the servants even knew what I looked like. And I doubt that the king would be asking his people to look for me anyways. That's a sign of weakness to him because he was so incompetent as to let the rebellion get in the castle right under his nose and steal his daughter." Lilith said.

"Better safe than sorry though." Silvia said. "Ok. Well, shall we get going?" Lilith asked, opening the door. "Let's go." Gabe said, walking in. He was followed by Faye but Silvia stopped and turned to Lilith. "Are you sure you're ok? If you ever feel that you can't do this, please tell me."

"I'm fine. But that you for worrying about me, my love." Lilith said, kissing Silvia on the cheek. "Now, let's go kill this so called king." Lilith said, grabbing Silvia's hand and pulling her behind her as they shut the door.

When the got to the end of the passage way, they arrived behind some boxes where Faye and Gabe were waiting. Lilith looked out to see some maids that she recognized. She now felt sorry that they had to live like this. Having to do this job. Attending to snobby royals who only care about themselves. Kind of how she used to be.

She was taken out of her thoughts when one of the maids burst out in tears. "Oh, I just got the most terrible news!" The girl screamed. "What is it Mary?" Another girl asked her. "We all know that the rebellion took the dear princess. Well, the killed her!" Mary cried harder, gaining looks of sympathy from the others.

The girl who asked where what was wrong walked over and hugged her, telling her it was going to be alright. "Miss, Lilith was the most kind and considerate of all the royals in this castle! How could the rebels do this!? How could they take such a kind soul!? Monsters! All of them!"

Lilith couldn't believe her maids were saying this. She had no idea how greatly they cared for her. News of her death must have just gotten to the castle." Well, at least we can all agree on one thing." Silvia whispered, grabbing Lilith hand again.

"I have an idea but you all have to trust me. Ok?" Lilith whispered to them. They all looked at each other and nodded. "Ok" Lilith said, standing up from her crouching position."Wait- what are you-" Silvia tried to ask but Lilith had already been spotted.

"Miss Lilith? Is that really you?" The maid named Mary asked. "Yes it is. I'm here on some business and I can't have anyone but all of you knowing I'm here. Do you understand?" Lilith looked at all of them. "Of course my lady. One question though. What is this business exactly?" She asked.

Lilith turned behind her to let them know it was ok and Silvia, Gabe, and Faye all stood up. "I'm here with the rebellion." Lilith said, holding onto Silvia's hand. "My lady!" Mary said, then walked twords her. "You are a royal yourself, what if they kill you!?" Mary did not say quietly at all.

"Oh I don't think they'll be killing me at any point." She said, kissing Silvia. "I would like you all to meet Silvia, leader of the rebellion and my girlfriend." She said, as the maids all stood in shock. "G-girlfrind?" Mary asked, nearly shaking. "But my lady you are- well, a lady!"

"And your point is? I love her. Isn't that enough?" Lilith asked, looking at the maids. "Yes, me lady. And we will help you to the best of our abilities." Mary said in a now soft voice. "Thank you." Lilith said.

"The best way out of her to not be seen by the guards in right through there." Mary said, pointing to a doorway. "Thank you. All of you so much for helping us!" Lilith announced, walking out with Silvia, Faye, and Gabe.

"Oh and, my lady!", Mary said, as they were leaving. Lilith turned around to see her. "Good luck with your mission." Mary said, smiling.

"Thank you..."

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