Chapter 13: Thinking Of You

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Lilith ran from the open patch of grass that she trained with Tobi in, and went to find Silvia. "Has anyone seen Silvia?" She asked to the rebellion members around camp. No one had seen her. One woman pointed her to Irma's tent.

Lilith walked into her tent expecting to see Silvia talking with Irma, but instead got only Irma mixing herbs. "Have you seen Silvia? I've been looking for her all day. No one else has seen her." She asked, slightly concerned for her now."No I haven't but you might want to check-"Irma was interrupted by two men screaming, "Everyone evacuate! Get everyone out! Silvia's been captured!"

Lilith ran out to see what was going on. She saw the two men who were screaming, it was Gabe and Oliver. "Hey! Where is she? Where's Silvia!?" She asked them, panicking. "The royal family, they kidnapped her. They're holding her hostage." Gabe said, also panicking. Oliver jumped in saying, "We need to get everyone out. Now." He looked deadly serious. "You guys do that. I'll go after them." Lilith said, running out of the camp in the way they came.

She ran off before they could stop her. She wasn't going to be stopped by anyone anyways. Silvia was on the line. It didn't take Lilith long to get where the royal family was, but she noticed something when she got there. This wasn't her family, it was the royal family of Lothian. This was the family she was supposed to marry into. She had forgotten all about them, but clearly, they hadn't forgotten about her. She hid in the bushes and tried to spot Silvia.

There were some guards that were standing in front of her, so when they moved, she had a clear view of Queen Eleanor in front of Silvia, who was tied up. "So this is the leader the mighty rebellion I've heard so much about? Pathetic." The queen said, kicking Silvia to the ground. "I and my men are more than you and your puny little guards will ever be.","Perhaps, but where are your men now? Did they leave you?" Silvia stopped talking but she still looked like she wanted to kill the queen. Lilith did too.

Lilith was about to act on these thoughts when she heard a familiar voice, Tobi. Was he here to save Silvia? Thank god- then he did something Lilith could've never expected from him. He bowed. The filthy traitor bowed to the queen, saying something Lilith could only make out to be, "Hello, mother"

Why? What was going on. He wasn't the prince. Was he? The man she had been training with and being taught by for the past 6 months. Lilith listened further. "My dear son, I'm so sorry you had to stay in that awful camp that long. So? Where's the girl?"The queen asked, clearly referring to Lilith. What if he gave her away? What if he told her that she was a member of the rebellion against her own family? Or that she kissed a woman?

What if- Lilith's questions were stopped by Tobi- or Alexander saying, "dead. Just like everyone thought. Her body was burned at a bond fire." He looked over to Silvia, who seemed to be holding her breath. She was scared too. "So our only chance to get a magic user in our family is gone!?" The queen yelled. This confused Lilith though, what did she mean.

Lilith wasn't a magic user. Lilith looked over to Silvia, who was also very surprised. "Yes. There is no point to keep this girl. She is helping us really. We want revenge on the Devontae family, they will do it for us. We won't have to do anything except sit back and watch." Alexander said, smiling. Lilith knew that smile. He was lying. He was saving Silvia after all.

"Fine. But if I get word that you and your little rebellion are caught, I'll kill you myself." The queen said to Silvia. "Don't worry about us. We haven't been caught by them in over a decade. Well, that's mainly because they are idiots but..." Silvia decided to stop talking. She walked off into the trees that were to their left. Lilith also crawled over there, careful not to be seen. She got to a big opening with a small pond and a waterfall. It was beautiful. Silvia was sitting on a one of the rocks that outlined the pond.

Lilith walked up from behind her and sat next to her. Silvia turned and looked her on the eye. "Hi." She said, trying to hide a small smile. "Hi" Lilith responded. "I'm sorry. To tell the truth, I didn't regret it. The kiss." Lilith said, looking away. "What do you mean? You were just as drunk as me. That kiss probably didn't mean anything to you." Silvia was now the one to look away, as Lilith looked back at her.

"No I wasn't. What do you mean. I've never had alcohol. Let alone been drunk." Lilith responded. Silvia whipped her head back around, now her and Lilith were dangerously close. "But you kissed me back." Silvia questioned. "Yes. I did kiss you back. And I chose to do that " Lilith said, smiling. "Really?" Silvia smiled too. "Yeah. I just thought that since you were drunk-" Lilith and her rambling was cut short by Silvia. She kissed her. This time Lilith didn't feel bad for kissing her back.

"Thank God." Lilith whispered. "Thank God I met you." Silvia answered...

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