31. - " I love you ! " -

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madison parker

- Madison, can you please put your cell phone away?! - Charlie exclaims next to me.

I grumble.

I need to know how my mother is.

They convinced me to come to this party and when my mother forced me to come, I had no other choice. My mother still needs care; After being released from the hospital, she now has to be in a wheelchair and on crutches. Apart from the large amount of medicine to take.

- Our mothers kept them. Aunt Eva is in good hands, as long as those crazy people don't take her to a bar, everything will be fine. - I end up surrendering to Charlie's words, and I give this party a vote of confidence. It can't be that bad.

Riley and Charlie start a conversation about how well we decorated the party, but I'm oblivious to everything.

I look around the room looking for someone specific. I don't think he came, and honestly, I don't know what I would say if he saw him. Would I have the courage to tell you what I feel? What if I got dumped? Or if he had come with a girl? God, I hate pessimistic thoughts.

- My God! - Charlie exclaims, staring at a specific point, while biting his lower lip.

Oh, unless Dylan O'brien is in front of her, I don't know the apparent reason for that...



I feel like my legs are wobbly.

Jamal seems to walk towards us in slow motion. Dressed as some vampire from the last century, or something like that. I swallow dryly. I want to leave, I won't have the courage. Oh, my Goodness.

- Wow, I suddenly felt like fainting.

- Control yourself! - Charlotte gives me a sideways look.

Riley holds my hand, making me sigh gratefully.

Joshua and Benjamin arrive in front of us, they greet us and start a conversation with their girlfriends. I'm left over.

I step aside, preparing to run away and hide in a corner to curse myself for coming to this stupid party.

- I thought you wouldn't come.

I close my eyes. He spoke to me. I hold back a smile and swallow dryly.

- I thought you wouldn't come. - I can say, as soon as I look into his eyes.

An immense desire to hug him invades me, but I control myself.

- Well, I haven't hit rock bottom yet, so...

If this was supposed to be funny, it wasn't. I just hang my head, blaming myself again for everything. He doesn't deserve someone like me, he just doesn't.

- I mean, it's a joke. I'm sorry if-

- Not alright. You are sure.

A slow song starts playing and soon all the accompanied students go to the middle of the improvised dance floor.

- Slow music is not appropriate for a Halloween party! - Joshua shouts to Prof Becker, the DJ.

- Shut up and let's dance. – Riley pulls Kimmich with her, and at this point Benjamin and Charlie are also gone.

Just me and Jamal left.

-Madison, I know things are weird, but-

- Do you wanna Dance? - I ask at once, before all my confidence goes away.

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