014. - Date Part. 2 -

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madison parker

-Jamal, this is dangerous, I think it's better not to. - I say, grimacing when I see the several bikers running like crazy on the sandy road.

- Motocross is only dangerous if you don't know how to do it right. - He tries to argue. - Since you don't want to go, what do you think about watching me, then? - he raises an eyebrow.

- What do you think about us just watching?

- Sarah, come on, it's going to be quick. 5 minutes and nothing more. - he smiles, begging me with his eyes.

I shake my head, thinking this is a bad idea, but I respond:

- 5 minutes! -I point my finger in his direction. His smile widens even more, and he gives me a kiss on the cheek, before going to change.

After a few minutes, Jamal comes out dressed in a red and black set of clothes. He gives me a wink before putting on his helmet, and my heart speeds up automatically, torn between fear and the strange feeling I've been feeling for days.

He gets on one of the rented motorbikes, and soon starts off, racing among the other bikers. Every time the boy passed by the railing where I was, my body shook with fear. I had already seen several reports of motocross accidents, and by the way, there were many.

I adjust my hair under the cap that Jamal lent me, because the place is outdoors and it's very hot. I breathe a sigh of relief when he finally finishes his crazy race.

- That was awesome, beautiful! - he runs towards me excitedly, and starts to tell me about his experience, but I don't pay attention to a single word. I lost everything when he called me beautiful, this time without joking, like when he calls me sweetie. Jamal really has a strange way of making my heart race whenever he looks at me, or gives me one of his perfect smiles. And, I can't say if this feeling is good or bad.

- Sweetie, can you hear me? - I am awakened from my thoughts, by the boy's hand that dangles in front of my face.

- There is? Oh yes of course! It looks really cool! - I smile. - Where are we going now? - I ask, curious and excited to know.

- Let's go to Dynamic Social Club! - He responds with a smile from ear to ear.

- What!? But that club only goes to people who are rich!

- AND?

- Jamal, I've never been to that place, because it's really not within my reach. I'll look like an intruder there. – I cross my arms, shaking my head.

Dynamic Social Club is the kind of place where people go to brag about their material possessions. Who is richer, who owns more places. A bag.

- My parents are partners there. Come on, it'll be cool! – Jamal puts his hands together and makes a crying face.

Oh, of course. For a moment I had forgotten that his family is on the level of people who frequent this place.

-Madison, please! - he insists once again.

- All good. But let's just stay for a while. - Jamal does funny little jumps like a child, and then leaves saying that he is going to change his clothes.

Dynamic Social Club is an extremely large place, which would easily take up a city block, or even two. I don't doubt anything.


I've passed by the place many times, and I've always been amazed by the beauty of the place. The light blue tone of the walls that surround it draws a lot of attention, contrasting with the sky.

As soon as Jamal gives his name at the entrance, we drive the Audi into the club's giant space. You can see a large football and tennis field, and further ahead, a huge swimming pool with a slide for children. I also keep noticing the four three-story blocks, which I assume are the partners' rooms.

- This place is so... Wow! - I say, admired by all the beauty of the place.

- What do you want to do first? - Jamal asks me as soon as he parks the Audi. He has a smile from ear to ear on his face, and I bet I feel the same way.

- I never played tennis... - I smile sideways.

- Luckily for you, I know a very good teacher.

-Oh yes? And where is he? - still smiling, I join in the fun.

- I don't know where he is now, but I can help you by telling you his characteristics. Let's see...-the boy scratches his chin, as if he was pretending to remember something. - He has dark eyes, platinum hair, drives a wonderful blue Audi R8 V10. Oh, and he's also very, very attractive. With a breathtaking smile too.

I stop myself from laughing.

Is there anyone more convinced than Jamal?

- Oh, I think I know who it is! – I say and he smiles at me. He's cocky, annoying at times, and also likes to punch assholes in the face in his free time. And most amazing of all, he can read!

- Are you trying to ruin my reputation? - he asks shocked, placing his hand on his chest.

- Far from it, Mr. Jamal. I'm just being true to my words. – I defend myself, imitating his dramatic tone of voice.

We laugh together. Jamal takes off his belt and leans closer to me, joining our mouths in a calm kiss. His hands caress my brown hair, and he then runs them down my neck.

- You know, I really want to learn to play tennis. -I say playfully against his mouth.

- Always spoils fun. – He rolls his eyes, laughing, and gives me a quick peck before opening the car door.

Jamal comes around and opens the door for me, taking my hand and helping me down.

- Hmm, what a gentleman. - I say laughing, and he gives me a sideways smile.

I have my moments. - the boy gives me a wink.

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