27. - Falling Down -

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I swear guys, u all need to read this chapter with this song ! Pls I beg !

madison parker

My head hurt badly. His eyes were heavy with the sleep that was coming. But I forced myself to stay awake. I hadn't seen my mother yet. And it had been 5 hours since anyone had come to tell me anything about her.

When I asked a nurse if I could see my mother yet, she simply told me that the hospital was too busy to worry about trivial things.

Trivial things? My mother could have died in that accident. I held myself back so as not to call that idiot several names.

Now it's almost eleven at night, and I'm sitting on the floor of the waiting room, staring at a fixed point on the white wall. Hospital gives me a bad vibe.

- You are hungry? - I turn my head towards Jamal, who was sitting in one of the armchairs.

He stayed with me for all these hours, and always asking if I wanted something. Super attentive. His attitude only made me hate myself even more for having hurt him.

- No, Jamal. I'm not hungry. - I answer the same thing as I answered all your same questions.

- Do not lie to me. You haven't eaten anything since you arrived.

- You don't need to stay here with me. You can go and rest. It's already helped me a lot. - I smile weakly at him, who gets up, and in seconds, he is sitting next to me.

-I'll only leave here after you see your mother. - he says, softly.

He is definitely too perfect for me.

- Why did you do that? - I ask. He looks at me confused. -I hurted you, Jamal. And, I was sure you would never look me in the face again. And you know, deep down I wanted you to do that. Because it would be deserved.

But then he says:

-I think... a part of me really wants to forget everything that happened. The fake relationship, the relationship we built... But it's difficult. And do you know why? - I stare at him, waiting for him to continue. -Because it was real - for me, Madison. To tell the truth, it was the most real fake relationship I've ever experienced.

I keep digesting his words. I think about what a horrible person I am for taking away the best thing that ever happened to me. Because, Jamal is, without a doubt, the best thing that has ever happened to me.

- What hurt me the most was that you thought that if you entered into a relationship with me, I would do to you what your ex did. I'm not Miles, Madison. - his beautiful dark eyes look at me with a sad expression, and the desire to burst into tears again returns with full force. - I'm Jamal. I may have all the flaws in the world, but I would never break the heart of the most important person in my life.

The most important person in my life.

Two tears flow. But they're not mine. I look at him in pain, fighting against my own desire to fall apart right there in front of me.

Jamal deserves someone better.

I don't deserve Jamal.

Like he said, I'm still vulnerable. Trying little by little to pick up all my pieces, to finally get back on my feet.

Jamal was my anchor during that time. When I was with him, I didn't think about anything else. I left aside my pain, insecurities, and enjoyed the moment. He made me strong for a while. But in the blink of an eye, I found myself back in the mud.

And this time, it was my fault.

I messed up and slipped back into the deep end. Where there is only darkness.

- I like you. And I don't know if I'll ever stop liking it. I can't just forget, keep my feelings in a box and lock them in the forgetfulness wing of my brain. - he laughs, weakly.

His eyes finally meet mine, and I can't understand what they convey, it's indecipherable.

- My heart belongs only to you, Madison. When you call me, I will be there. When you need help, I become Barry Allen to get there faster. When you want to break my heart, feel free. You can break it a thousand times if you wish, it has always been yours to do with as you please.

So, I cry. I cry sobbing. That kind of crying where our body shakes from so many tears we release. I cry for my mother. I cry because I'm not strong enough to rebuild myself. I cry for Jamal. I cry knowing that I will never be enough for him.

Jamal pulls me into his arms, and once again, on the same day, here I am, wetting his shirt all over. As he strokes my hair, letting me release all my pain and anguish.

We stayed like that for a long time, I was about to fall asleep when Jamal called me. I stand up quickly, wiping my eyes.

-I'll go get you something to eat. -This time he didn't ask, so I just nodded, watching him get up and disappear through the hospital corridors.

I stay in the same place, still thinking about his words.

Jamal is in love with me.

I'm in love with Jamal.

Couldn't things just be easy?


I can't anymore guys......
this is L. O. V. E.


This emoji 😭😭 kkk

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