004 - Father's House -

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madison parker

-  Now you can go on about it. - It's the first thing Charlotte says when I sit with them in the cafeteria.

- I kissed Jamal at the party yesterday . - I say and put a french fry in my mouth - And before you ask me, I didn't do it willingly. Miles was going to talk to me, so as I was with Jamal right in front of me, my only solution was to kiss him. - I lift my shoulders.

- Madison, really , you running away from Miles is ridiculous. - Riley says, and I sigh, I know she's right. - I know you promised yourself not to say another word to him, but it's getting tiring already.

- I agree with Riley. You should stop it. - Charlie reinforces. - but, anyway, continue talking about Jamal . - she smiles.

- So today I came to university and people were talking about us dating. Which is not true. -  I say to them both - After I talked to you, I went to take satisfaction with the idiot, and do you believe that he made me a fake dating proposal?

- And what's the point of that ? - Riley asks.

- He wants revenge on Audrey.- I roll my eyes.

- What an asshole, he just wants to use you!

- Technically, I used it first.

I keep eating, as they look at each other, probably thinking of something to say.

- He's looking at you. - Charlotte says looking over my shoulder.

As the ability to disguise, is not my strong point, I turn my head at the time, finding the look of Jamal, practically on the other side of the place where I am.

As soon as our eyes meet, the boy smiles at me, which makes me a little flushed, so I come back quickly.

- Jamal is really flirting with you? - Charlotte asks smiling.

- He's not flirting with me, you forget we don't like each other?

- Most love stories start with the two of them hating each other. - Riley says fully as she fiddles with her phone.

- Hey ! You should be the sensible one of the trio. Tell me, what I'm gonna do ?

- Simple . If you want to run away from your ex asshole , which I think is ridiculous as I said , accepts this proposal . Even if I think it's wrong for him to use you to get back at his ex, you'll be doing the same anyway. - she says - We all know Miles is only after you because the woman he cheated on you with dumped his ass.

- It was well deserved. He cheated on you with a teacher, what he expects  ? A marriage and five children ? I think she already has that. - Charlie arches the eyebrow.

- So, your opinion is that I should accept that ? - I ask a little in doubt.

- For me, yes.

- Me too. And think on the bright side, you can hook up with the captain of the football team whenever you want. - I roll my eyes at Charlie's speech. - By the way, tell us he kisses well ?

And how.

His lips are so soft, and the way he moves his tongue..... Oh shit.

So many impure thoughts go through my head.

- Yes . - I say finally.

-Is that ? No more details ? - question discouraged.

- Stop being emotional . - mumble.

The blonde just laughs, and we keep talking about the party last night.

- Benjamin has such perfect lips. I swear to you, I was about to pull him into one of the rooms in the house. - Charlie's telling us what guy he was with yesterday.

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