Unexpected Relaxation - Brick x FemReader

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(I love brick sm)

Once upon a lazy Sunday afternoon, Total Drama contestant Brick finds himself at home, needing some much deserved relaxation. He had been enduring multiple challenges on the show and was grateful for this rare moment of tranquility. As he lounged on the couch, sporting his casual attire, he couldn't help but feel a hint of excitement. His crush, Y/N, had agreed to hang out with him.

Meanwhile, Y/N arrives at Brick's doorstep, carrying a basket full of snacks and a bright smile adorning her face. She had been looking forward to spending quality time with Brick, as they hadn't had a chance to truly connect during their adventures on Total Drama Island.

Brick opens the door and is greeted by Y/N, immediately feeling his heart start to race. "Hey, Y/N! I'm really glad you could make it," he says with a bashful smile.

Y/N blushes, teasingly replying, "Of course I would come! Can't let my favorite military cadet relax all by himself now, can I?"

They exchange playful banter. As they settle down on the couch, comfortably engulfed in blankets, they begin discussing their time on the show. Y/N eagerly asks Brick about his military background, sharing her admiration for the discipline and bravery he displayed throughout the competition, Y/N still finds his elimination unfair. After all, he did have her and her team from actual death.

Brick modestly brushes off the praise, his cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. He's never had someone genuinely appreciate his professional experience like Y/N does. For once, he feels seen, understood, and appreciated beyond his physical abilities.

As the hours drift by, conversations morph into laughter and shared stories. The Two finds themselves lost in the warmth of each other's company. They watch old Total Drama episodes together, cheering on their friends and reliving the hilarious moments they experienced on the show.

During a particularly funny scene, Y/N finds herself leaning against Brick's shoulder, feeling a soothing sense of comfort and security. Brick nervously glances at Y/N, unsure if he's crossing boundaries, but the soft smile playing on Y/N's lips reassures him.

Emboldened by the moment, Brick gently places an arm around Y/N, pulling her closer. She nestles herself against his side, their bodies fitting together like two puzzle pieces. The couple shares stolen glances, their hearts beating in sync, surrounded by an air of contentment that neither of them can deny.

With the room filled with a pleasant silence, Brick whispers, "Y/N, I really like you. Spending these quiet moments with you feels... perfect."

Y/N's eyes sparkle, her cheeks turning a delightful shade of pink. She replies softly, "I like you too, Brick. More than words can express."

A shy, but genuine smile graces Brick's face. He reaches out, intertwining his fingers with Y/N's, relishing the connection they share. In that moment, they both realize that Total Drama was just the beginning of their journey, and the best adventures were yet to come.

As the sun sinks below the horizon, Y/N and Brick continue to enjoy each other's company, cherishing this newfound closeness. With a promising future ahead, they lose themselves in the unravelling story of their budding love, eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

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