Harvesting Memorys - Izzy x Reader (Halloween special)

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(Halloween special! Lemme know if I should do more!)

The moon hung high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the countryside as Halloween night descended upon the world. Izzy and Y/N, clad in costumes of their choosing, stood outside the gates of the infamous haunted cornfield. Excitement danced in their eyes as they exchanged mischievous grins, ready to immerse themselves in the spooky festivities.

Together, they ventured into the labyrinth of towering cornstalks, the wind rustling through the leaves and setting an ominous atmosphere. The earthy scent of fallen leaves and the distant hoot of an owl added to the eerie ambiance.

As they weaved through the cornfield, Izzy and Y/N stumbled upon a clearing bathed in moonlight. The sight of a nearby pumpkin patch caught their attention, with plump orange gourds waiting to be transformed into spooky masterpieces.

Eagerly, they sat side by side, their laughter mingling with the crisp autumn air. Armed with carving tools, they delved into the pumpkins, crafting unique and ghoulish designs. Izzy's creation bore a striking resemblance to a mischievous cat, while Y/N opted for a creepy jack-o'-lantern with a sinister grin.

With pumpkins aglow, they reveled in their artistic accomplishments. Their carved creations illuminated the night, casting eerie shadows that danced along the cornfield's edge. Their laughter echoed through the air as they admired each other's handiwork.

Now immersed in the spirit of Halloween, they decided to take their adventure a step further by exploring the haunted cornfield itself. Their hearts raced with anticipation as they meandered through dark and winding paths, the occasional scare causing gleeful shrieks to escape their lips.

Amidst the eerie silence, they stumbled upon a makeshift stage adorned with various costumes. With a playful glint in her eye, Izzy tossed Y/N a disheveled witch's hat, while she slipped into a ragged vampire cape. Twirling and laughing, they embraced the transformative power of Halloween, stepping into a world where they could be anyone or anything they desired.

As they reveled in their makeshift costumes, they danced and laughed with reckless abandon. The cornfield became their stage, and their playfulness filled the air with energy and joy. They relished in the freedom to express themselves without judgment, finding solace in each other's company and genuine spirits.

Hours passed in a blur of spooky sights and thrilling encounters. As the night neared its end, they found themselves sitting on a bale of hay, catching their breath. Fatigue mingled with contentment, and they stared up at the stars in awe, their fingers gently entwined.

Y/N turned towards Izzy, the moonlight casting a soft glow on their face. With a heartfelt smile, they whispered, "Izzy, this has been the most incredible Halloween. Thank you for taking me on this unforgettable adventure."

Izzy's eyes sparkled with adoration, her voice filled with equal sincerity. "No, thank you Y/N, for being here with me and embracing the true spirit of Halloween. This night wouldn't have been half as exciting without you. Now we go scare some kids!." Y/N chuckled, looking at Izzy "alright alright, we can go scare some kids, maybe even adults"

As the final echoes of their conversation faded into the night, they leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender kiss. It was a combination of gratitude, affection, and shared passion, afterwards they went on and scared Many many kids and even a few adults.

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