Discovered in the Dark - Duncan x BlindReader

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On the vibrant set of Total Drama Island, a blind contestant named Y/N entered the competition. Y/N, with an infectious laughter and a spirit that couldn't be dampened, instantly caught the attention of everyone, including a mischievous contestant named Duncan.

Duncan was known for his sly pranks and rebellious nature, but Y/N saw beyond his tough exterior. Despite not being able to see, Y/N's other senses were remarkably heightened, allowing them to sense kindness and compassion in people. It didn't take long for Y/N to unknowingly capture Duncan's heart.

One day, Y/N ventured off from the group, searching for a peaceful spot to enjoy the sounds and feel the sun on their skin. Unbeknownst to them, Duncan had been tailing Y/N from a distance, curious to know more about this intriguing person who saw the world through different eyes.

As Y/N settled near the water's edge, Duncan quietly approached, wanting to surprise them. He took a deep breath, fighting against his sneaky nature, and decided to reveal his presence. Clearing his throat, he said, "Hey, Y/N. Mind if I join you?"

Startled but not afraid, Y/N smiled and replied, "Of course, Duncan! It's nice to have company."

Duncan sat down next to them, nervously fidgeting with a pebble in his hand. He gazed at Y/N, thoughtful yet unsure of himself. "You know, I've been watching you since you arrived on the island," he confessed, his voice surprisingly soft. "You have this way of seeing things that's... different. It's fascinating."

Curiosity piqued, Y/N's ears sharpened, their attention fully on Duncan. "Different? What do you mean?"

"Well, everyone else just sees the world as it is, but you... you see people for who they truly are," Duncan explained. "You listen with your heart, and that's a rare gift."

A warmth blossomed within Y/N's chest, realizing that despite their blindness, they possessed an incredible ability to understand and connect with others. They reached out and touched Duncan's hand gently, conveying gratitude and trust.

"You have a lot more depth than you let others see, Duncan,"  Y/N responded genuinely. "I believe in second chances, and I see something good in you."

Duncan's heart raced with a blend of disbelief and gratitude. No one had ever looked past his rebellious nature, but Y/N had uncovered a part of him he didn't even know existed. They had unlocked something he had buried deep within himself.

From that moment on, Y/N and Duncan formed an unbreakable bond, woven with understanding, trust, and a love that transcended the physical world around them. Together, they faced the challenges of Total Drama Island, supporting each other through the ups and downs, and proving that love can truly conquer all.

As the competition drew to a close, Y/N and Duncan stood side by side, stronger than ever. While neither of them could predict the outcome, they knew that their connection would endure far beyond the reality show.

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