A Sugary Night - Cody x Reader (Halloween special)

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Requested By: odetkanykibel

Its Halloween night, Cody and Y/N, dressed up in their best costumes, ventured out into the neighborhood for a night of trick or treating. Cody, with his pirate outfit, complete with a captain's hat and an eye patch, and Y/N, with their mysterious masked ensemble, were eager to explore the Halloween festivities and, of course, fill their bags with candy.

As they roamed through the dimly lit streets, house after house, their bags began to overflow with a colorful assortment of sweets. Every time Cody noticed a house with a candy bowl, he couldn't help but exclaim in excitement, shouting out the names of his favorite candies.

"I can't believe how much candy we're getting, Y/N!" Cody chirped, his eyes glittering with joy as he admired his increasingly heavy haul. "Look! Another house! Let's go!"

Y/N smiled warmly, appreciating Cody's sheer delight. "I'm glad you're enjoying it, Cody. Candy doesn't really do it for me, but it's lovely to see you so happy."

They continued their journey, encountering spooky decorations, giggling children, and friendly neighbors along the way. Each time they visited a house, Y/N would carefully select a few pieces of candy and put them in their bag, knowing that Cody would appreciate the surplus.

Some of the neighbors even offered them non-candy treats like small toys or stickers, which delighted Y/N. They happily accepted these items while Cody eagerly collected as much candy as he could get his hands on.

As they approached the last house on their list, a realization struck Y/N. They had collected an overwhelming amount of candy, much more than they could ever consume. It seemed wasteful to keep it all, especially when they knew Cody's love for sugary treats.

Before Cody could ring the doorbell, Y/N turned to him with a mischievous grin. "You know what, Cody? I think you deserve all this candy more than I do."

Cody's eyes widened in disbelief. "Are you serious, Y/N? You're giving me all your candy? But I thought you didn't like it that much."

Y/N nodded, assuring him, "I may not have a sweet tooth like you, but seeing how much joy it brings you makes me happy too. Besides, it's Halloween, and we're supposed to share the treats, right?"

With a grateful smile spread across his face, Cody pulled Y/N into a tight hug and exclaimed, "Y/N, you're the best! Thank you so much!"

Feeling emboldened by the festive spirit of Halloween, Y/N leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on Cody's cheek. A blush crept up on both of their faces, and the moment felt filled with a special kind of magic.

"You're welcome, Cody," Y/N whispered, a warmth in their voice. "Just remember, sharing is caring."

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