Lights, Camera, Romance! - Brick x reader

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Brick stood nervously outside the movie theater, adjusting his collar and running a hand through his hair. He had invited Y/N, a fellow contestant from Total Drama, to join him for a movie night. As he waited, a mixture of anticipation and excitement filled his chest.

Soon enough, Y/N arrived with a warm smile, looking effortlessly cool. Brick couldn't help but admire their easygoing nature and the energy they brought wherever they went. With his arm extended, he welcomed Y/N into his world of cinematic adventure.

Inside the theater, they perused the movie selections, deliberating over which film would be the perfect choice. Brick's strong sense of duty made him consider an action-packed thriller, but a mischievous glint in Y/N's eye led them towards a romantic comedy instead.

Settling into their seats, they shared a tub of popcorn and let the lights dim around them. Together, they laughed at the comedic moments, found solace in the tender romance, and whispered comments into each other's ears.

As the characters on screen navigated their own tumultuous love stories, Brick and Y/N found themselves drawn closer. With each stolen glance, their hearts melted a little more, and a subtle electricity charged the air between them.

Sitting side by side, their arms brushed occasionally, sending shivers down their spines. The movie acted as a catalyst, igniting a flame within them that they couldn't ignore. The theater had become their own personal haven, secluded from the world.

During a particularly emotional scene, Y/N turned to Brick, their eyes shimmering with unspoken emotions. As if they both had the same thought, they leaned in simultaneously, their lips gently meeting in a soft and tender kiss.

In that moment, surrounded by the flickering lights of the movie screen and the warmth of their embrace, Brick and Y/N knew that something magical was happening. The simple act of watching a movie together had unveiled a connection they couldn't deny.

As the credits rolled and the lights brightened, they glanced at each other, their faces adorned with matching smiles. This movie night had become so much more a turning point in their lives, the beginning of a beautiful love story.

Stepping out of the theater hand in hand, Brick and Y/N knew that they had found something special. Amidst the chaos of Total Drama, their shared adventure had led them to a place where they found solace and happiness in each other's presence.

And as they walked under the starlit sky, they made a silent promise to explore a world beyond the confines of the game a world where their love would continue to thrive and flourish, like the movies that had brought them together.

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