Surfs Up - Bridgette x Reader

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upon a sunny day on the shores of Playa del Drama, Bridgette the talented surfer girl, was eagerly preparing to catch some epic waves. With her surfboard in hand and the ocean calling out to her, she was ready for an unforgettable adventure.

Meanwhile, Y/N an individual with a love for nature and an adventurous spirit, were drawn to the beach. The sound of crashing waves had always brought you a sense of calm, and today, you couldn't resist the magnetic pull of the sea.

As fate would have it, you and Bridgette crossed paths at the water's edge. Her Olive Green eyes sparkled with excitement as she noticed your presence, and without any hesitation, she approached you.

"Hey there! I don't recall seeing you around here before. Are you interested in surfing?" Bridgette asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

You nodded, a smile growing on your face. "Actually, I've always wanted to give it a try, but I've never had the chance. Do you think you could teach me?"

Bridgette's face lit up with enthusiasm. "Of course! I would love to share my passion with you. Let's get you set up with a board and hit the waves!"

With that, the two of you made your way to the surf shop to rent a board suitable for beginners. Bridgette carefully explained the basics of surfing and how to maintain your balance on the board. Her patient guidance reassured you, boosting your confidence.

As the salty breeze enveloped you, you and Bridgette paddled out into the ocean, accompanied by the sound of seagulls and crashing waves. The sun bathed the scenery in a warm, golden light, and the excitement bubbled within both of you.

With Bridgette leading the way, you soon caught your first wave. The sensation of gliding across the water was exhilarating, and with each passing moment, you felt an indescribable connection with the sea. As the two of you shared laughter and encouragement, Bridgette's presence only fueled your determination to become a skilled surfer.

After a few hours of surfing and countless waves conquered together, the sun began its descent, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange. Reluctantly, you and Bridgette decided to call it a day. As you sat together on the golden sand, watching the sun dip below the horizon, a sense of tranquility washed over you.

Bridgette turned to you, her face glowing with admiration. "You did amazing out there! Surprisingly, you caught on quickly. I had so much fun teaching you."

You blushed, feeling a rush of warmth fill your cheeks. "I couldn't have done it without you. Your passion and patience were really inspiring. Thank you, Bridgette."

A shy smile tugged at Bridgette's lips. "No problem at all. And hey, if you ever want to surf again or just hang out, I'd love to have you as my surfing buddy."

You grinned, feeling butterflies fluttering in your stomach. "I'd love that too, Bridgette. Surfing with you has been incredible and I can't wait to surf with you again."

As the sun disappeared beneath the horizon, signaling the end of a beautiful day, a new chapter of friendship and maybe something more began between you and Bridgette.

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