A fast food trio - Sadie x reader x katie

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The sun shone brightly as Katie, Sadie, and Y/N headed to their favorite fast food restaurant. The trio, now all 19 years old, were excited to catch up and enjoy a delightful meal together. The fragrance of sizzling burgers filled the air, enticing their taste buds.

As they took their seats, Katie decided to opt for a healthier choice and ordered a vibrant salad. She enjoyed watching the colorful vegetables being mixed together, feeling a sense of contentment in her decision. Sadie, on the other hand, made an enthusiastic decision and ordered a classic, juicy burger. Its aroma alone made her mouth water.

Y/N, unsure of what to choose, settled on a delicious, piping hot pizza. The combination of melted cheese and various toppings made it an irresistible choice. They all eagerly anticipated their meals.

The conversation flowed effortlessly as they caught up on their lives. Laughter filled the air, drawing the attention of other customers. Katie shared her adventures in environmentally conscious activism, while Sadie gushed about her new job as a summer camp counselor. Y/N chimed in, sharing their own exciting experiences and dreams for the future.

Their shared past as inseparable friends on Total Drama Island came up in conversation. Memories flooded back, causing both laughter and sentimental sighs. They reminisced about their quirky habits, endless laughter, and occasional dramatic moments during their time on the show. It was those moments that solidified their unshakable bond.

As they savored their meals, a feeling of warmth and happiness enveloped the trio. Their fast food feast became a symbol of their enduring friendship a reminder of the times they had shared and the bond that had only grown stronger with time.

Amid bites of burger, salad, and pizza, an unforeseen realization dawned upon them. Beyond their shared teenage experiences, they discovered a deeper connection a connection that matured with age and endured beyond the boundaries of a reality TV show. They were comforted by the fact that no matter how much time had passed, their friendship remained unwavering.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the restaurant, the trio vowed to keep their yearly fast food date tradition for years to come. They relished the thought of future gatherings, knowing that even amidst their busy lives, they would always make time for each other.

Their bellies full, hearts warmed, and laughter echoing in the air, Katie, Sadie, and the Reader bid their farewells. They left the fast food restaurant, their eyes bright with nostalgia and anticipation of the next adventure life had in store for them.

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