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The mission had to be called off, I had to call this thing off now.

I had betrayed a man who wanted nothing more than me. Who wanted to marry me, I had done the worst thing anyone has ever done for no reason at all.

I rush down the hall to the nearest bathroom, I don't think I have ever moved so fast as I was right now. I slam the door behind me before locking it; The second I am safe I take out my phone and begin to call Miller.

The line rings twice before he picks up but it felt like a lifetime. I had to save Xavier, I had to do something anything to keep him safe. He couldn't be taken from me, be thrown in a federal prison I couldn't handle being without him. I had to save him from everything I had done.

"Agent" He speaks on the other end of the phone.

"We need to stop this right now!" I panic down the phone. "He isn't leaving I-"

I hear him chuckle on the other end of the phone, it was as if he had expected this to happen. Like he wanted to watch me crumble.

"Are you pulling out on the mission agent?" He asks me sternly.

I wasn't pulling out because I was never truly in the mission. I was to start with, of course I was but the second I started spending one on one time with Xavier.

I gave up with the mission.

All I wanted was Xavier, he had shown me the world with him in it. Now I never wanted to be without him ever again; he was the only man that I had ever felt safe with, felt truly comfortable with him.

I had thrown everything away.

"Miller please just give me more time I can find more information I-"

"You have to hand him over agent, it's over" His cold tone struck me in the heart.

This entire time I had never confessed my true feelings. I had always played the innocent card around Miller and the rest of the FBI. I had never shown how I felt, I used so many excuses but right now I couldn't come up with anymore lies.

"Please, I just need more time with him" I squeak out

"It's over Allie"

The call ends and that's when it hits me, this was all their plan. They knew I would cave, they knew I wouldn't follow through with everything. I looked down at the time, it was 11:30.

If I knew them like I think I did, this shit wasn't going down at midnight. It would be going down right now.

I unlock the door before swinging it open. I ran as fast as my legs would take me, I couldn't feel them anymore. I felt as if I was floating, one second I was leaving the bathroom and now I was  bursting through the door of the bar I left Xavier in.

As the door swings open he looks over at me, confusion in his face. He didn't know what was about it to happen, that was what I hated myself the most for.

"Xavier we have to leave" I ramble as I reach his body. My hand landing on his arm as I attempted to pull him to an exit, he didn't budge at all in face he just looked at me in confusion.

I could blame him, less than ten minutes ago he was asking me to marry him. Now I was begging for his escape.

"X please now!" I demand

"What is going on?" He asks me, his hands place on my shoulders holding me in place. He needed information and I couldn't blame him but right now I didn't need that, I needed him to agree to come with me.

Falling from Grace حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن