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I had never been in a limo before, this was a first for me. I was so anxious, it was incredible how many nerves can be in one persons body. I was practically shaking, there hadn't been too much conversation.

"Where exactly are you taking me?" I ask, my head was turned looking out the window. The lights of New York were beautiful, this city always amazed me. It was nothing like Washington or Virgina.

"Somewhere causal" He smirks, his legs were spread. Talk about man spreading, his biceps were visible through his shirt. My eyes couldn't stay away from his body, when we stood he towered over me.

"Is that all I get?"

"What else do you want Dolcezza?"

His body moves closer to mine, I feel his legs brush against mine. My skin prickled, the hairs on my body stood up. Even the slightest brush of his skin against mine sent lightening throughout body. His hand lands on my thigh, I let a breath out.

Grace had this. She was confident and beautiful and she knew how to control a man. I had to embody this new person.

His hand moves to my hair as he sweeps it aside, leaving my neck revealed. He leans in and peppers small kisses along my neck, I can't help but let out a shaky breath. It had been a long time since I had been touched like this.

"Xavier" I breath out, it wasn't so much a moan. But a warning, I wanted this... Of course I did but I couldn't allow myself to get too deep. This wasn't my real life. I was playing a part, if I get too deep I will hurt myself.

"Just tell me if you need me to stop" He plants open mouth kisses all down my neck. I needed to find the words to tell him to stop, but I couldn't right now. I needed to enjoy this for a little longer.

We hadn't even gotten to the date yet, it was like we were horny teenagers. I had to stop this before it got too far, perhaps he was only interested in sex.

"Stop" I finally say, he didn't hesitate before he stopped. The second the words left my mouth, he stopped.

I watch as he falls back into the seat, his face full of lust. Like he needed to pounce, he had been starved by the look on his face. I was yet to see him looking for desperate and vulnerable. Like a child that had just lost his pacifier.

The rest of the short car ride was slow and silent. Two minutes felt like a life time, the entire time Xavier was undressing me with his eyes. There was no restraining this man, for the first time ever it was clear to me. This man wanted me, there was no doubt in my mind. He wanted me but I didn't know if it was just sexually.

The way he had pounced so fast, it didn't send the right message. I felt as if he did only want sex, what was the plan for the date. We were moving further away from town, in fact we were closer to the docks. There were no restaurants around this area, so what the hell was this man's plan. Did he know about me?

Once that seed was planted my brain ran with it. I was now doing all I could to not freak out and text my safe word. If I did that this entire operation would be over in a matter of minutes. I had worked too hard for it to end this way. The car pulls over, I look out at a line of huge yachts. Surely this wasn't this man's idea of a casual dinner. The driver opens the door, I watch Xavier slide out before turning back to take my hand.

I take it before I climb out the car myself. I look around and all I can see is huge boats, this wasn't a usual port. This was for the wealthiest in society, it was guaranteed most these boats were acquired illegally. Our hands still laced Xavier walks me down the port, we stop by a huge boat with the name;

Falling from Grace Where stories live. Discover now