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You know that feeling, the one that sits in the pit of your stomach. The type when you know how badly you've fucked up; that was how I felt right now.

It was early hours of the morning, Xavier slept peacefully next to me. I sat up, my knees attached to my chest as I lay my head down on them. I was in too deep, I was falling for this man. I was talking so hard I would crash and burn.

If anyone at the FBI could see how deep I was, I would loose my job in a heartbeat. I didn't want to loose everything I had worked for, I had worked damn hard. But looking down at the man next to me, as he lay naked. Right now my feelings for him overwhelmed everything else, if Miller told me right now to choose. I would pick him.

My entire life I have never been able to express my feelings for a man. I had never even been able to speak to the men I really like, but this new persona. Grace Hadley, she was everything I had always wanted to be. I had it in me the entire time, but only now was I able to be myself.

I felt alive, I was finally the person I had wanted to be. It was all because of Xavier Cavalini. The worlds most evil man, a man whom doesn't hesitate to kill. Yet is so gentle with me, this man wasn't what I expected. He's kind and caring, yes he murders people. But when he's so caring towards me, it's easy to over look.

I would think I'm insane too. Who can over look a killer?

But love it makes you feel crazy things. Right here and now, I couldn't hand him in. He's mine and I can't loose him, not since I only just got him.

I feel Xavier's breathing lighten, he was waking from his slumber. He slept well, I had been watching him for at least two hours. He had shared with me before that he struggled to sleep sometimes. But I had never seen that, he slept like a baby.

"Hey" He croaks, his head turns to look up at me. His dark hair was messy, but he still looked perfect in every way. His tattooed arm moved across my body as I drop my knees down. He pulls my body close to his. "What you thinking about?"

About how you're a wanted man, I am the woman in charge of getting you sent down for life. Yet here I am in bed with you, after you just fucked me into oblivion falling deeper in love by the second.

"Nothing" I mumble, my head lays leaning against his shoulder. I breath in his scent, he smelt amazing always like fresh cologne.

I once read a study that said, when you're in love the scent of the man is the most intoxicating thing. I didn't believe it until now, I could lay in his arms all day.

"Are you hungry?" Xavier asks me, I look up to him.

Now this man was someone I was falling for, but I knew better than anyone that he was no chef. I had seen his house, he had chefs and maids to complete all his household chores. I didn't even allow my brain to move to the thought of him offering to make me breakfast.

I hadn't realised until he mentioned it that I was in fact starving. Before he burst into my apartment last night and ravished me. I was in the middle of eating, I had just started. The food was quickly forgotten about when I had Xavier attached to my lips.

"Ye-" I was cut off by the deafening sound of my phone. But it wasn't just any phone, it was my work phone. There were only three people with that number; Jamie, Xavier and Miller.

I had never wanted a call to be Jamie so bad, just to hear about a date. A sex story, anything right now. Just not Miller.

I lean over and pick up the phone, the name sprawled across the screen made my stomach drop.

Falling from Grace Where stories live. Discover now