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It used to feel like home to me. I used to be so excited to walk through the doors of the FBI. To know I had finally made it, I had finally done something to warrant being here. To help people and make a difference.

It was a different feeling right now, I had this feeling like everything was going to crumble around me.

I walked out of the elevator and head towards the conference room I had been ordered too. My hands shake by my side, I had never felt nerves like this. Miller had a certain tone in his voice, a tone that told me something was about to go down.

"Agent Harris" Miller nods as my eyes connect with his. He stands at the door as he holds it open for me, I nod back before walking into the room.

The room was empty, it was just Miller and I.

I walk over slowly to the chair I knew was mine, there was paperwork sat in front of Millers usual seat. I felt my stomach drop, whatever he was going to tell me wasn't good. I knew him, I knew he had something to tell me.

Had he found out the extent of our relationship?

I didn't know if Finn had told Miller on me, I had no idea what this was all about. I feel my breath shaking as I sat down. Miller shit the door before walking over to join me at the table. I look at him focus on the file in front of him.

"Agent Harris" He breaths out, there was something wrong. I could feel the tension in the room, it was riding through my body.

I was terrified right now, I wanted Xavier. I wasn't ready to give him up just yet, I hadn't planned to lose him just yet. I knew how stupid this was, I knew I couldn't keep him. I couldn't have him with my job, I had been placed with him too turn him in.

But I had fallen deeply and truly in love with a man that wasn't the man I thought. I never believed it was possible to love someone the way I love Xavier. You hear about it in the movies, you read about it in the romance books.

But not once did I ever think this love would happen to me. To feel completely consumed with the love from someone else. The love I had for Xavier ran through my veins like a drug, I had withdrawals like an addict.

"What's going on?" I snap, I couldn't sit here any longer. I couldn't sit here with my thoughts any longer, wondering whatever it was he was going to tell me.

Miller let's out a deep sigh, his eyes dart from mine too the file. I watch him pull out two pictures before pushing them over to me. I look down and see Xavier leaving a restaurant with an envelope in his hand.

The next picture was a photo of a passport, it was Xavier's picture. But his name was 'Dylan Bennett'.

He had gotten a new passport.

"He instructed a passport to be made, he only ordered one for himself"

I could feel my heart in my throat. I could feel it beating as well as hearing it. It was as if the room had fallen silent; I couldn't hear anything but my heart beating and my breathing.

"H-he" I stutter

"Agent Harris, I know you love him but this man he's dangerous and he's planning something"

I didn't even have the energy to deny the comment about being in love with him. Everyone knew I loved him, I knew how obvious it had been. I don't know why I had thought I would get away with it.

Everyone knew.

"Why" I breath out, I could feel the tears beginning too well in my eyes.

"We don't know, but he's planning on fleeing the country. We honestly expected you to have one as well, we thought you would betray us"

If I had the chance I would have. I would throw the towel in for him. I don't care about this job, I don't care about the FBI. I just needed Xavier to be happy.

"But he's going to betray you Allie, you're in danger"

He knew.

That was the only explanation, Xavier had to know about me. He had to have a plan to get rid of me. I just wanted too cry right now, I felt I had lost him. I hadn't even seen him yet, but I knew he was gone.

He wasn't mine anymore.

The tears began to stream down my face, I look up at a face of sorrow. This was the first time I had ever seen this look on Miller, he looked human for once. I feel his hand reach over and rub my arm.

"I really am sorry Allie" He breaths out.

"I know I shouldn't love him, but I can't help it i'm sorry" I let the tears fall down my face.

I feel my stomach churning, I felt physically sick at the idea of losing him. God when did I become so infatuated with a man. I had always been strong, never needing a man to help me feel like me.

But I had never been myself until Xavier, it took me until I met him to realise this. I had to protect myself now. I had to shield my feelings from getting more hurt than I already am.

"Whats the plan?" I speak up finally.

"The hotel opening, tomorrow evening I am assuming you're his date"

The hotel opening, I had completely forgotten about this. Xavier had been non stop preparing for this since the day I met him. This would be his biggest event, he was so proud of himself and I was proud of him.

"I am"

"It needs to be a smooth take down, I need you to get him excluded. There is a bar around the back, it won't be opened for the event. Head there for midnight and we will make our way in"

I nod listening to the orders from Miller, I couldn't quite believe that I was doing this. That I was about to lose Xavier for the rest of my life.

It was me or him now.

I didn't want to betray Xavier, but it was too late now.

The plan was in motion

Falling from Grace Where stories live. Discover now