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I was fucked.

Miller had called my burner phone, my real phone and my home phone over ten times. I got back early this morning. I had stayed with Xavier and I knew that I was going to be a huge trouble.

Worse of all. I kissed him and I enjoyed it.

It lit a fire inside of me, I had to fight every urge in my body to not let him touch me. If I did that it would be over, I would fall for him. I would be removed from the mission and replaced with another agent.

I grab my phone before redialling, as the rings leave the phone. I feel my anxiety getting higher and higher, if he hadn't already sent agents to arrest Xavier then I would be shocked.

"Allie, you scared the shit out of me" I hear Miller curse as the phone connects.

"I'm so sorry sir, It got late and I forgot to call to check in" I lie.

He couldn't know the truth, he couldn't know I stayed with Xavier. He would assume we slept together; of course I wanted too. But I hadn't and that was the main thing.

"Allie; this is very important you need too ensure you check in. Especially when you're with him, he's dangerous"

I sigh as I take a seat on my bed, it was early no later than 6am. Miller must have been calling me all night, I knew I was going to be in some serious shit. But I had found more out; the boat he took me on. It wasn't listed, it was a privately listed boat. I wasn't sure who it was listed under, but it sure as hell wasn't him.

"I know, listen I have information. He took me on a yacht last night. It's not one of the ones we have on file, I will send you over the information"

"Good, Allie just stay safe"

"I will"

I say before ending the call. I slump my body back onto the bed, I knew I was in deep here. But it was Tuesday; I had to work tonight and that meant seeing Xavier. I had really connected with him last night; like I hadn't with anyone else before. I guess that's what happens when I actually let myself go. He was the first man I pretended to be confident around; but after awhile I wasn't pretending anymore.

I really was comfortable, I hadn't felt this way about anyone. He was growing on me, in a way that was bad. I was in trouble big trouble, if I let the feelings grow then I would create a bigger problem. I would have to pick between Xavier and my career.


I walked around the bar, I was taking inventory for Hendy. He had called me letting me know he would be late, as it was a Tuesday it was only me at the Hideaway until Hendy arrived. I wore some yoga pants and a white fitted crop top.

I should be tired, but I wasn't. In fact I slept the best I had in months; yes I woke early and left but sleeping in Xavier's arms made me sleep like a baby. If I was being honest; I hadn't stopped thinking about him. I know I left him, but there had been no attempt at communication. Not even a message.

I was in the basement changing some of the barrels for the on tap beer. Hendy had shown me how to do this once or twice, but I hated doing it and somehow I always messed it up.

I was half way through the change, when all of a sudden I feel the pipe slip. Beer sprays all over my face, and all over my clothes. I feel my feet slip out from underneath me; before I knew it was on the floor in a puddle of beer. It just continues to spill out, I just lay there letting it engulf me.

God I hated bar work.

"Grace?" I hear the sound of Xavier's voice, it causes me to sit up. My hair was dripping wet, my clothes stank. I hear his foot steps drawing closer, I had no chance too fix myself before I see his body appear in the doorway. "What the hell happened"

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