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Sitting opposite Grace, I watched her carefully as she moved. She lifted the wine glass to her lips as she takes a sip. I wasn't lying when I said I didn't follow her, it was a happy accident that she happened to be here. I spotted her the second she walked into the bar; she wore a tight dress that made her look even better than in her work attire. She looked relaxed for the first time since I met her.

There was something about her that intrigued me. She had this attitude that drew me in and no matter what I did to fight the feeling I wanted to be near her. My world was not a place for a woman to be by my side. My father always told me marrying my other made him a weaker man, he had something now that could be taken from him. I had never been attracted to a woman the way I was with Grace. I looked at her and I wanted to not only fuck her, but I wanted to treat her.

Wine and dine before I fucked her so hard, she couldn't leave my bed the next day. Of course, there was also the issue of trust. I did not trust anyone let alone a woman that could trap me so easily with her pussy.

I trusted a woman once before and that ended sourly, she fucked me over and ended up sleeping with my brother behind my back. Of course, I didn't allow someone to disrespect me like that, so I shot him dead, Mama wasn't best pleased, but she got over it. Tony was a fool and being her favourite son meant I could get away with most things I did.

My father made me shoot my first man at age 8, I was the eldest son and one day knew I would have to run the family business. He had trained me from the day I was old enough to fight to become the most feared man in New York.

He had succeeded in that dream.

"What did Jamie say to you?" Grace asks me her eyes glaring back at me, she was wearing more make up than she did previously, but she looked good.

"I wasn't paying too much attention, I told her I was interested in speaking you"

"And why is that?" She asks me with her eyebrow cocked. I had been drawn to her and I wasn't sure what it was that caused this.

"I don't know, you intrigue me Grace" I feel myself smirk at her. She had this look on her face of surprise. I guess she knew exactly who I was, Hendy must have told her all about me. It was all a part of my deal I give him to allow us to meet at his bar. The Cops were all over me and all my properties so having our meetings at a location like Hendy's was perfect.

"You're full of shit" She scoff laughs at me. I knew I was coming off very strange right now, but it was what drew woman too me.

That and my money.

"Grace, tell me about you. How did you come to work with Hendy?"

I would be lying if I said I hadn't done backgrounds checks on Grace I had my PI guy look into her. She was born and raised in Washington with a huge family. Previously working in some family business, there was not too much history on her.

"I moved here like 3 months ago and well Hendy helped me out. I got my place as I am sure you saw when you stalked me home" she sates with widened eyes, I just laugh under my breath as I drink another few sips.

"It is a good place"

"Hmm well I got it for a good price so" Of course she wasn't aware of the next drop in her rent after my little visit to Robert. "What about you Mr X, what is up with that name?"

"X is just short for Xavier, not exactly an exciting nickname"

Most men in this criminal lifestyle had a nickname it made it harder to identify who was doing what, of course the FBI were very aware of who I was now and what I did. They had nothing physically on me, so I was off Scott-free, that was the key to business never do anything yourself. I had runners that did everything for me I hardly ever got blood on my hands apart from when it pleased me.

"My mum used to call me, Gracey lacey" She mumbles, clearly her mouth spoke before her mind. "I am so sorry that was so random"

Snapping back to reality she looks at me with reddened cheeks embarrassed at her words.

"I will keep that in mind" I scoff to her. I felt my phone buzz inside my pocket, I reach in and grab it out before looking down at a call coming in from Luca, he was my right-hand man and also my cousin. We had grown up under the strict thumb of my father who ordered us around and trained us to be the men we are today.

Luca was currently in the middle of some business with one of our clients. Alongside our not so legal business we ran hotels and well Luca was in charge of all the logistics of all that.

"Yes" I answer the phone

"You better head down here now, we have a situation"

"On way" I say hanging up and looking back towards Grace. She looked at me waiting for whatever it was I was going to say. "I have to be off; I have something to take care off"

"Sure thing" She smiles back to me with that damn sweet smile that made me want to drop to my knees and worship every part of her.

Every time I looked at her, I couldn't help but get the image of her bent over my bed while I fucked her into oblivion. She needed a good fucking; her attitude tells me she hasn't had one for a while. I would gladly be the person that relives all her stress.

"I will see you on Tuesday" I say finishing off my drink before nodding to her and beginning to walk off when I stop in my tracks and turn back to see her still looking at me like a lost little puppy "Oh and Grace" I say


"Don't forget that list, I don't want to be waiting around for my drinks again"

With my comment she makes a face at me before turning back towards the bar and ordering herself another drink. I knew that she would be thinking of me for the rest of the night.

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