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I followed her down into the subway, far enough she would have no idea I was following her. I hopped on the train along with her the opposite end of the cart. She had her head stuck in her phone completely unaware of her surroundings.

For someone who had crime statistics at the drop of a hat she isn't too self-aware, I had my eyes glued to her.

Her darkened hair was down hitting her mid back, she had kept it up during her shift with a pink scrunchie. The scrunchie now sat on her wrist while her eyes darted across her phone screen looking as if she was reading something.

Her eyes were deep blue, they had this small ring of green around her iris. When the sun would hit her eyes, they would glow, and it was clear. She had an attitude about her, she didn't take any shit from anyone. Or that's what she thinks.

I could easily shut her up, my gun running along her spine all the way up her to her head. As I push it against her head, I wrap her hair around my fist two times before I pull her head up to mine. Her ass pushing into my crotch causing my dick to go solid. She wouldn't fight me she would let it happen, her hand reaching back as she cups my hard dick.

She was a tease.

The Sub stopping causes me to snap from my fantasy, I watch her get up and head off the train. I follow her out and up the stairs, she places her metro cards into the turnstiles and walks through. I follow close behind as she walks out onto the streets of Midtown Manhattan I hadn't been here in a very long time. I stayed cleared of this place, it wasn't my area to be in control of, so I stayed clear.

She had caught my eye the second I walked into the bar; I was used to the face of Rio. Who was not my type. I wasn't the only one, the men also made comments about our new server and her amazing ass. Of course, I shut it down. No man would pry on a woman in front of me, especially when I want her.

We walked for a block or two when she turns down an alleyway, I wait a few seconds before walking down behind her. Once my vision becomes clear I see that she is not in front of me anymore.

"I knew you'd follow me" I hear her voice. I spin around and look at her stood there with her arms crossed. She had that look of annoyance on her face like she always seemed. I had known her less than 5 hours, but I could read people. She was a stubborn one, didn't accept help so shed work a menial job to make ends meet.

"Smart girl aren't you" I smirk to her leaning against the wall.

"Why are you following me?"

"Wanted to ensure you didn't get raped, yknow like that cab driver did to all of them girls" I say stepping closer to her. She didn't move an inch.

"You know that you look like the freak here, right?" She was short with me about everything.

I wanted to ensure she didn't get attacked but she had this attitude that made me want to shake her a little and just make her that little bit more submissive.

"I will be on my way then" I say walking passed her.

Without even looking I could tell she had turned around to look at me walking away. She had expected an argument, I wasn't willing to have one. I walk out of sight from her, but I was still here to make sure she got home okay.

I watched her walk into an apartment building only 2 minutes away from the alley she had mislead me into. The front door to the building was glass making it a clear window for me to see right in at everything going on. There was a man coming out of a side door, as if he waited for her to enter.

She stops in her tracks as her body tenses up as her eyes meet him. I see him getting closer to her as she takes a step or two back. I feel my fist clench by my side, she was uncomfortable and whoever this jerk was isn't a nice guy. They're speaking about something. Grace begins to walk up the stairs as he follows her slowly, they are still talking about whatever it is they are.

Falling from Grace Where stories live. Discover now