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Glass shattered to the ground causing me to jump back as I feel a shard enter my leg, I let out a cry. I look down at the blood started to leak out of my leg.

I really sucked at bar work.

I lean down and pull out the minute shard of glass that had buried it way into my lower leg, I really don't know why I thought shorts was an appropriate outfit for working behind a busy bar.

Note to self: No matter how hot it might be outside, never wear shorts at work when you're such a rookie.

I reach over to the shelf below the bar and grab a dustpan and brush to clean the mess I had made. Three months I had been doing this crappy undercover bar work that I hated every second of.

It was all a part of the job; I was working undercover for the FBI, and I had been for the past few months. It had always been my dream to work for them, I wanted to make a difference but getting put on a desk job for the past 2 years prior to this task was not my goal at all. So, when my boss, Agent Miller, needed someone to take the current agent off the job I volunteered faster than Katniss Everdeen. My entire life was flipped upside down, I was moved from Virgina to New York given a new identity and here I was three months later failing to make drinks, all to try and infiltrate some stupid crime gang.

"You know the glass isn't supposed to end up on the floor" I hear the sarcastic tone of Mr Hendy come up behind me. He was the boss here at the Hideaway, he was a very sweet old man.

However, his side comments about my work were not needed. He had no idea who I really was, I got the job through my fake documents and a lot of pleading. Hendy assumed I was a struggling young girl who needed a job and money.

I had never worked behind a bar before and he knew this, but he was still willing to give me a chance and I guess that was where my soft spot came from for him. He gave a poor girl a chance, little did he know the only reason I was here was to find out more information about the men who hold weekly meetings here.

"Yeah, I've got it" I smile as I pour the pile of glass off the dustpan and into the trash. I had been here for four hours, and it was not getting any easier. Thursday nights were full of drunk 21-year-olds from NYU who enjoyed the cheap drink deals we had here every Thursday.

I had already kicked out two guys who were having a bit too much fun and not just with alcohol and it was hardly 10pm yet. I knew I had a long night ahead of me.

I spent the next five hours pouring shots and doubles for the rich kids of Manhattan. We were one of the only bars in the area that had these student deals, so it was safe to say this bar was always going to be a hit tonight. Every other day of the week we were a spot for businessmen who passed through after their long days at the office.

These men weren't anything special but the men that rented the entire place out on a Tuesday were the men I wanted to meet.

I was jealous of the 21-year-olds that came in here without a care in the world. They spent crazy amounts and then just went back to their dorms or off campus houses and slept until the next morning before getting up and doing it all over again. I had joined the academy as a fresh faced 21-year-old and spent the 20 weeks training before getting shoved on a desk job before ending up here. I knew I had started this job earlier than expected but I knew what I wanted to achieve, and I was doing it.

This bar job did have some perks of course, the men being one of those. There was always eye candy here, whether than be the students or the businessmen.

I had to be honest, I did prefer the businessmen.

I did always have a thing for an older man as well as a suit and tie.

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