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Today everyone is at work so I'm just flipping through the channels again. I get discharge later today if i pass my health check. The nurse kept my door open so i saw when people pass by. I heard commotion a few doors down from my room but that not my business. I hope the person is ok.

After some time something told me to get up and walk. I asked the nurse if i could and she went to ask the doctor and gave me the ok. She made sure everything is connect and in the right place so i wont pull on anything. As i was walking back and forth i peak in a room seeing mike next beside a women who's isn't looking do good.

"This isnt how i wanted you to find out."

"When was you going to tell me?"

"I tried telling you but you ghosted me. You block me and moved away. What more did you want me to do?! Don't come in here and pretend to care like this is what you wanted!"

"You are right just relax."

"Im not going to make it Mike. I just need to know if you going to take care of her, if not sign your right away so my dad can raise her."

"I just need time to think about it. Its all too much for me."

"Too much for you?! I was the one left to raise a kid by myself and its too much for you to raise her! Get the fuck out!" Thats when I speed walk towards my room. I saw Aidens mom in my room.

"Nope not today."

"I just came to apologize."

"The last time you apologize days later my rape and sex tape was out for the world to see. So what are you going to do to me this time."

"Im going to try to fix it."

"Try or actually do something."

"You think i want this to happen?"

"Hell yeah. From what i heard this could've all been avoid but no because you want to keep all these secret from people." I walked in her face. "I want you to listen to me when i say what done in the dark will come to light. One thing i do know but you family might not know is your an addict."


"You're jittery, cant stay still, and your pupil is dilate. But i can tell from your face its more your hiding. Not only you're scared that ill tell your family you're scared of something far worse. So are you going to tell me or Im going to beat it out of you."

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard me. You and that bitch jasmine owe me an ass whopping. So are you going to tell me or what?" She kept quiet. I pit up my hair just when i was about to bitch slap she started to scream and cry.

"Get off me!"  I stood over her and looked at her confused. I didn't even hit you yet.

"What happen?"

"Whats going on in here?" They both said at the same time. He came in helping his wife up.

"She was going to beat me up. I was trying to apologize to her and she started threatening me. She gotten me shook."

"Is it true?"

"A little because she lying. Her and Jasmine..."

"Cuore I told you im handling it."

"I know but she.."

"No buts. Do you not trust me when i told you I'm handling it!?" I look at him like he lost his mind. Who the fuck you think you talking too.

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