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As Jean and I were lining the cars up for the race. The crowd started to come in. Isabelle wants to be the pit girl I just roll my eyes at her.

"Ready." I can hear him revving his car to intimidate me. "Set." I had my hand on the stick,  I jiggle it to make sure it was in neutral, with my feet on the clutch. "Go."

Jean took off first then I was after him. I grab Aiden's hand so we both could move the gear. This is how my brother thought of me plus I want him to feel part of it.

"I can tell you not really race him."

"I want him to get the 3,000. But I can't make it seem like I'm going easy on him."

So I started to speed up so we were lined up together I'm going 80 on a 25. He looked over at us and speed up a little. As we go further down the old road I slowed down a little because I'm not stupid. The dead man's curve is coming. Jean slows down a little and speeds up.

"Dead man's curve coming up so hold on."

As soon as I was coming up to the curve I lift the emergency break while my foot was still on the gas but not too much to flip it and not too less to hit the rail. I rush to put the brake down while Aiden put it in 3 gear. I smile a little, I knew he would get it. I went through the shortcut to get back to the meet. As I was getting close I still see Jean behind me so I slow down a bit. He speeds up and gets to the finish line first with me right on his tail.

I press the clutch to put the car in neutral and jiggle it to make sure. I press the brake so it won't move and lift the emergency break. I got out and Aiden turned off the car. I walked over to Jean.

"Seems like I owe you three thousand."

"I know you lost the race on purpose."

"Don't know what you're talking about?" I was acting completely oblivious and he chuckles.

"Mesi anpil." He brought me into a hug. I hugged him back. "manman fache sou ou." I pulled away.
(Thank you very much. Ma mad at you.)


"You haven't been around."

"I've been busy. Do you think she up?"

"You know she's not going to sleep until I get home." I turned to Aiden asking him do he want to meet my mom. Jean got in his car and drove home.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to."

"I want to meet her but I'm nervous."

"I believe she would be happier that I'm not gay." I chuckled a little.

"Do all your family members believe you're gay?"

"After the incident with Dre, I never talk or even look at guys. After Ashanti's death, it was just Isabelle and me. It was a slumber party and things got a little heated and word went around that I was gay."

He walks me to the Chevy and peaks my lips before he takes the SUV. We decided to park the Chevy at his house and go to my mom's. I change back into the clothes I had on before.

When we pull up to my mom's mobile home the door was unlocked. I'm so happy that my brother brought that screen to keep the mosquitoes out. Then she still had these irritating beads in the doorway. Before we went inside I got nervous.

"It's ok Roe."

"I haven't been here in years."


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