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A couple of months later

Aiden POV
When I woke up this morning I was a little late for work. So I didn't have time to check emails, stats, etc. I rushed my morning routine and put on the first suit I saw. I didn't have time for breakfast and sprinted into my office before my dad gets there. As I opened the door and quickly sat in my seat there was a knock on the door.

"Open."  I was fixing my appearance as I saw my dad, his assistant, and my assistant along with a few colleagues. "What's going on ?"

"Did you check the blogs son?"

"No. Why would I do that?"

"Well, apparently you're a racist." I just started laughing. My laughter died down when I realized no one else was laughing.

He hands me his iPad and I saw my dm and I watched the interview.

"The dm is fake I would never say 'nobody wants your black ass' and for the interview that was years ago when I was still in high school. At that time I didn't picture myself with a black person but that doesn't make me racist."

"Everyone leaves." We waited for everyone to leave the room. "Look me in my eyes and tell me the truth."

"Dad I am telling you the truth." I pulled my phone out and went to my ex Jazmine dm. "See I told her don't nobody want your ass and since when was having a preference makes me a racist. Now to think about it if I was a racist I wouldn't date Jazmine."

My dad just took a breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. "If it's not one thing it's another. I'm going to need you to fix this."

"I will. I will make an apology and prove my innocence." He got up and left.

I called Jazmine to make a deal with her and also record the conversation.


"You know exactly who this is?"


"I'm not playing with. Why did you post that dm an interview?"

"Whatcha talking bout?" She says trying to act clueless.

"Jazmine. You know I will never disrespect you but you coming for my character."

"Baby you know I will never do that to you."

"You are the only person I talk to."

"I'm the only one. You weren't talking to anyone else."

"No. I told you I'm a man to my word. I was only talking to you. Why do you do me like that?"

"Lately you been distanced and you weren't giving me attention."

"So you thought making the world believe I'm a racist was a good idea."

"I didn't mean to make it come out like that. The lady I sold it to made it look like that."

"What's her name and what publishing company she works for?"

"Melissa McCoy from Now News. Baby I'm..." I hung up the phone and called my lawyer.

After I settled everything I went to my father's office and told him the next steps I will be taking and catching up on work. I sent Britney to get my lunch and after she can go on break.

As I was reading one of our contracts when I got a text from Britney. It's the woman from the club. She was sitting by herself looking at the menu with sunglasses resting on her forehead. I texted her, 'Get her to come to my office.'

I grabbed my paperwork and left for the office to continue my work in my office. 15 minutes later I was starving at this point until the receptionist downstairs told me there was someone to bring me food. I asked for the name of the person she responds with Rose Delva. I let her up.

I texted Britney 'out of all the ways to get her here you got her to bring my food.' A couple of minutes later I heard a knock on the door. I respond 'open.'

There she was with her box braids and sunglasses resting on top of her head. She wore a white crop top that shows her cleavage. She tied it in a cute bow to keep you from looking at her cleavage but the bow. I can tell she was wearing a black bra underneath. She has high-waisted pants that fit her perfectly down to her clear heels. Her toes were painted yellow. She wore a tan jacket with a tan purse.

"Excuse me. I know you were expecting Britney but she told me she had a family emergency and if I could bring Aiden his food."

"I'm Aiden."  She opened the door more and sat it down on my desk. As she was leaving I stopped her. I reached into my wallet to give her some money for bringing it.

"You don't need to do that. I just wanted to help a girl out."

My lawyer walks in seems like he was rushing. He greets me then he greets Rose. She tries to leave again but I and my lawyer convince her to stay. She sat beside my lawyer and put her purse down on my desk.

"First what do you want to do? You can sue for defamation of character or make them out of a story tell the truth and as for Jazmine block her. You don't need the drama."

"I just don't want people thinking I'm a racist." I side glance at Rose and she seemed taken aback.

"If you watch the interview you don't seem racist just you don't believe in interracial dating."

"That's the thing I do. That was before I had a mind of my own. My mom told me to say that because she doesn't see me with someone outside my race."

"I don't mean to interrupt but this seems serious. I don't think I should be here."

"None sense. But I have an idea but I don't think she would like it." I signal him to go on. "If this the Rose from the club then you two can come out as a couple." Rose gave him the fuck look. I chuckled a little, it's good the know her face registers everything.

"Then that's going to make me look even more guilty."

"You know how you youngsters do. Take a picture with her body part to let people know you taken and in 2 months take a picture with an engagement ring on her finger and she post a picture wearing it and then by the time people but together the information you guys would be married already and get a divorce within a year." I looked at Rose before I can say anything.

"Don't you even think about it?"

"Rose will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend."

"No." She grabbed her purse.

"I'll pay you." She was standing up." Two hundred thousand dollars."  She pushed the seat in its original spot.

"Ten million dollars."  I agreed.

"I can't believe that worked." She whispered to herself. "Deal." She stuck her hand out to shake mine. I got up from my seat and took her hand. "Just so you know I would've done it for the two hundred thousand."

"I would've paid you twenty million." We pulled our hands apart and the look of defeat on her face made me chuckle.

"Alright I will write up the contract."

"Can you send it to my lawyer?"

Daniel nods his head. She reached in her purse to pull out a card that has his information. When Daniel left it was just me and her. I'm nervous but I don't want to show it.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"Can I get your number?"

We spoke at the same time but I rushed to say it and now I know she knows I'm nervous. She smiled.

"You're cute when you're nervous." She reaches out her hand for my phone. Before she can open it she saw I had missed calls from Jazmine and her text message. "Um, I think you should call her." She put my phone on the desk. She grabbed a sticky note giving me her email.

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