25 ⚠️

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I put on the shower robe so my wings wouldn't mess up. Aiden grabs the rest of the outfits walking me downstairs to the gym. On our way down I see my mom and the bodyguards laughing. When Aiden locks the door that's when I ask him.

"AD, why are the security guards and my mom laughing at me?" He was stretching before his workout.

"They think we are going to have sex."

"Why would you think that?"

"You are wearing a robe and excited for me to come home, it's either your happy to see me or you want to fuck me."

"A bit of both." There goes that fucking smirk.

"You want to fuck me." He says in a husky voice, slowly walking his way toward me and biting his lip.

"Aiden stays back," I said as I was backing up until I'm backed into a corner. "Aiden."

"You want fuck me." He looks into my eyes to see if I would lie or tell the truth.

"Of course I do. I'm just scared."


"I don't know. I know you I want it to be memorable."

"That's why you want to wait."


"Thank goodness."

He captures my lips before I even have time to think. I feel him nibble on my lips so I give in. I feel his mouth open slightly so I stick my tongue in his mouth his caress it. Our head is moving in sync and our breaths begin to be heavy. His hands are traveling down from my waist to the back of my thighs. He lifts me and I wrap my legs around his waist automatically along with my arms around his neck. I can feel Julio poking my core so I roll my hips making me wet. I feel him pulling away from the kiss so I began kissing his neck.

"Amore if you want me to control myself I'll advice you to stop." I kiss my way back to his lips.

"What if I don't want to stop?"

"You sure? You don't want to wait anymore."

"I was waiting for you."

"Amore I don't want you to regret it later."

"Then make it memorable." I nibble on his earlobes when I knew he wasn't going to control himself anymore. "Let's go upstairs," I whisper in his ear. I hear him unlocking the door and running the opposite way from the stairs. "Where are we going?"

"To the elevator."

"You have an elevator?!"

"I told you this house has everything."

I feel him touching something and rest his hand back under my thigh. When we walk in I see the elevator door close. I feel Aiden squeezing my thighs leaving kisses on my neck. I pull back so I can kiss his lips. I am tugging his hair bringing him closer to me. I am rolling my hips and I feel Aiden putting me lower to feel his Julio and it turns me on more. I hear the elevator ding and practically run to the room taking off the robe.

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