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The doctor told me I had bruised ribs, a swollen jaw, and a black eye. He told me I would feel worse before I started to feel better. He told me I was ok to be released but I bribed him into letting me stay in a room next to Rose.

I could barely sleep through the night so I had Britney bring me my tablet so I could work while I was in the hospital on Christmas. Rose's family decided to celebrate Christmas morning at the house since it was Layla's first Christmas. Everyone was spending time with their spouse and my fiancé and I were in the hospital for our first Christmas.

Marie is going to bring our presents to the hospital later. Every two hours the nurse came and checked on me. After the nurse wrapped the bandage around my ribs she put my robe on my bedside since I wanted to do it myself.

When she closed the door I took off the hospital gown and put on my robe and pajama pants. I went next door to see Rose sleeping. I sat next to her holding her hand. Her hand didn't have the same warmth, and that's when I started to feel guilty.

"Cuore I am so sorry that I didn't believe you. It's just you know I would never think my mom would do this to us, especially to you. She knows how important you are to me. When we get out of here we can go to therapy so we can fix it and I will work on my communication. I'm sorry if you felt like I pushed you away that wasn't my intention. Roe, can you ever forgive me? I am willing to start over as long as you don't pull away from me."

Her heartbeat monitor starts beating rapidly. Her body starts jerking, and she starts to lose oxygen. The nurses and doctor rush in to access her. One of the nurses took me to my room to calm me down.

Rose pov

I was sleeping until I dreamt about Ashanti. About our time together, from the night at the hotel till seeing her in the hospital. I woke up to only being surrounded by darkness with Ashanti standing in front of me.

"Can't stop thinking about me?"

"No, I can't. I want you by my side."

"I'm by your side in spirit."

"Is that why I'm seeing you again?"

"Not necessarily. I can't leave until we have closure."

"What do you mean?"

"About us. We never had closure."


"Yeah." We were both silent for a minute not knowing what to say. "Do you remember the day we met?"

"Yes. We both raped how could I forget."

"Did you ever forgive yourself?"

"I don't know. Is that why you are here?"

"It could be."

"I don't think that it, you said it has to be closure between us." I was thinking about your past to see what it could be. "Could it be me being jealous of Isabelle?" That's when she had a smile on her face. "What's so funny?"

"You admit you were jealous of Isabelle."

"I may or may not have been jealous."

"Why were you jealous?"

"Because I wanted you to myself." She starts to slowly walk towards me.

"Why is that?"

"Because what we went through made us closer and I didn't like the fact I had to share you."

"Was there another reason why?"


"Are you sure?" We were face-to-face. She looked me in the eyes and her hands creased my face. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

I couldn't think of anything to say. This was the second time we looked at each other with loving eyes. Tears form in my eyes and she pulls me into a kiss. I open my mouth without her asking and stick her tongue in mine creasing, savoring, and feeling our taste. I let her dominate the kiss just like she did long ago. I felt my heartbeat race and I didn't care if I stopped breathing I was with her all by myself. That's when I got the flashback of us in her room.

It was summer break. I was spending the night with Ashanti just the two of us. We were watching Girls Just Want to have fun with Sarah Jessica Parker. When the movie was over, she went to get popcorn and I was putting on sex in the city. The popcorn was popping in the microwave when she came back to the room. She gave me some pajama clothes. It was a crop white T-shirt and black shorts. She points me to the bathroom so I can change.

When I came back to the room she had the room set up with snacks and drinks as we sat down on her fluffy pink rug that was in front of her bed. I sat down next to her. As we were watching the movie and eating popcorn that I didn't like. She saw me make a face.

"What is it?"

"It's not sweet."

"You want sweet popcorn?"

"You never put sugar in the popcorn after it finishes popping?" She shook her head no. "Oh."

"Do you want me to put sugar in it?"

"What if you don't like it?"

"We still have other snacks here, if I don't like them you can eat them."

"Ok." She got up to look for the sugar jar. I was watching the TV and drinking soda until she came back. When she opens the door she brings honey.

"I look everywhere for the sugar but I can't find it I did bring honey."

"That will work." She is next to me and gives me popcorn with a drop of honey on it and feeds it to me.

"How does it taste?"


I grab the honey out of her hand while our fingertips brush against each other. We looked at each other for a little bit before we heard screaming coming from the TV. We watch for a little while longer before our hands touch the popcorn bucket. She lets me get the popcorn I put a drop of honey on the popcorn and feed it to her.

When I put the popcorn in her mouth she licks my fingertips which causes my breath to be uneven. I look into her eyes and see the hunger and wanting in her eyes. I come closer hoping she would make the first move which she does. I close my eyes following the rhythm of the kiss. It starts as pecking then our tongue caresses each other. I lean back on the soft rug as she gets on top of me.

We pull apart for a bit before giving each other the green light with the looks in our eyes. I grab her face deepening our kiss as her hands rest on my waist where she gives it a light squeeze. I lift my leg so she can lay in between my legs. I feel her thigh rubbing against my clit. I let out a moan. Her right hand travels down my waist to my clit. She moves the shorts out of the way while her thumb rubs my clit.

Just when her fingers travel lower the phone rings. We ignore it. She sticks her pointer finger in me nice and slowly while her thumb still massages my clit. There was a knock on the door and we both pulled away.

"I will be right back." I nod my head. She went to answer the door. I sat up trying to fix myself while I felt flustered. "Isabelle is here I hope you don't mind."

"No. It... it's okay." She chuckles. She brought Isabelle into the room and introduced herself. She gave Isabelle changing clothes and made sure she felt comfortable. At the time it seemed like what we did was nothing.

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