15 0 0

It's been a few days since I left the hospital. I have been going to therapy and engaging myself in my work. I call Rose's mom constantly to check in, and she's in the same state. Right now my focus is on Andre. Jean and I have a plan set up for him when he comes back home for the holidays.

It's lunchtime now which means I have to talk to my therapists. We have a schedule to talk to each other every weekday during our lunch break.

Dr. Brown
"How has it been Aiden?"

"Same as usual, I'm just trying to fix myself so I can get better."

Dr. Brown
"For the past couple of days, you have been saying you need to be fixed. Explain why you feel that way."

"I want to be the perfect man for Rose because she deserves it. She doesn't deserve the aftermath of a broken man."

Dr. Brown
"Can you tell me why you feel like you're a broken man?"

"When I and Jasmine were together, I felt like I wasn't a man because I wasn't enough for her and now I feel the same for Rose I push her away knowing I'm not good enough for her, but I don't want her out of my life. It's my fault why she's in the hospital."

Dr. Brown
"Why do you say that?"

"For the past couple of months, she's been warning me about my mother and her feelings. When we went to the charity ball she rush to me telling me something bad was going to happen, but I just pushed it to the side because I know my mom would never but I guess I was wrong."

Dr. Brown
"Do you mind me asking what did she do?"

"Just know she did something inappropriate and unforgivable."

Dr. Brown
"Seems to me you have family issues. It could be from being an only child or the fact you believe your family is the only thing you have, so you cherish it to the point it blinds you. Am I right?"

"Kind of."

Dr. Brown
"The reason why you treat Rose the way you do is that you want to believe it's because of Jasmine when is not it. I feel like you want to be a different person in front of her because you are scared that one day she won't be there. You are clingy and you want to be loved. Growing up you didn't feel it, when you have it you want to latch on because it's the only thing that you crave and don't have to pay for. Do you think what I'm saying sounds right?"

"Yes, it does."

Dr. Brown
"I think Rose's mother is correct when it comes to you talking to Jasmine to get closure. I think it would help."

"I don't want to talk to her."

Dr. Brown
"That's fine." His timer went off which indicates when the session is done. "I'll talk to you later."

"Bye." I hung up the video chat.

When five o'clock I check out of work to meet with Jean to set up Andre.

Rose pov

"Who do you love?"

"I love Aiden more than you. With you, I feel giddy, but with Aiden, I feel like I'm the only one. I feel le farfelle nello stomacho. I can see a future with him. I'm complete and whole with him. I know right now is bad but I know we can get past it."  All I could think about is Aiden. Our time together, our talks,  even his touch which made my face heat up.

"I'm happy for you. That's all I ever want for you."

"I am happy for the first time in a while I mean it. I don't feel lonely."

She starts to fade away from my self conscious.

"Look after Isabella."

"I will."

"I have something to tell you."

"Okay," I answer

"If you have a feeling of being lonely can you still write poems to me? "

"I will." She left as the tears fall from my eyes. 

Aiden pov

As I was wrapping up the meeting with my dad telling him what I and Jean are planning he kept our lawyers on standby. Something told me to go home. When I pulled up I see a black BMW in the driveway.

I open my door seeing him seating comfortably on my couch while my mother in law giving him something to drink. She looks up and sees me in the doorway. She waves at me and then leaves us alone. He gets up downing the rest of the drink. Leave it on the coffee table. 

"What are you doing here?"

"I thought you might need my help." He gets up making his way to me. "How are you doing?"

"Making it." He nods in understanding.

"What are planning on doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"If someone was to harm my girl I'll make sure their life is a living hell, so I'm going to ask you again. What are you planning?"

"A setup."

"At what time?"

"At two in the morning."

"Who are we setting up?"

"Andre. The dude that was my bodyguard." He nods again putting pieces together.

"Who else knows?"

"Her brother."

"I'll see you at 12." He opens the door and leaves. As I was closing the door a butterfly flew in landing on my hand. It made me think of Ashanti. It flew away landing on SUV.

I ran to the SUV and rushed to the hospital. I park the truck running in her rooming. The nurses ran behind me to see what was wrong. I see her laying in bed. I pulled the chair to her side tears fall from my eyes.

"Baby I'm here." I held her hand squeezing it. "Come back to me. Squeeze my hand so I know you're here. Please, baby." I felt a faint squeeze. "There you go. Keep going it."

She kept squeezing my hand and I got stronger each time. She starts to move her arms putting them on her head. The nurses rush to her side along with the doctor. She opens her eyes and shuts them closes them before doing it again. She looks at her surroundings looking confused. They were checking her vitals and asked her questions. I text she's awake in the group chat. All I wanted was to wake up and now that she's up I'm nervous.

When they left the room you can feel the tension between us. She looks down at the needle in her arm. She was looking around the room sinking it all in.

"Croue." it came out as a whisper. I slowly walk over to her side scared of her pushing me away. I went to reach for her hand but she pull away looking everywhere but at me. She starts to break down. I went in to hug her and kiss her forehead. I kept kissing her to try to ease the pain that I cause. When she calms down a little she pushes me off her. That's when everyone came in.

"Happy New Year!" she laughs at his stupidity. As they were surrounding her I backed away. I love seeing her happy. I need to fix this asap.

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