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After we were stretching. I put on my knee and elbow pads after that I apply itac onto my hands and allow it to dry. I didn't have time to change my clothes but this will do. I took off my tennis shoes and put on my stripper heels.

The first thing we did was to know our grips since there were new people here. We went through the hand and arm grips which were; the cup grip, baseball grip, stronghold, brace grip, spilt grip, half bracket, elbow and forearm grip, armpit hold, princess grip, tabletop hold, twisted grip, and goofy grip.

Since everyone was good at the hand and arm grips we moved on to do the pirouette, reverse stag spin, hip dips, chair spin, and the carousel spin, with a back bend. I and Isabelle kinda got it. This is what I like about pole dancing it helps me find my confidence and no one in here judges you if you fail. We all help one another besides diamond because she is a professional.

She feels better when she's the only one who knows how to do the moves but in an advanced way. I'm not a hatter so I do try to compliment her but then she let it go to her head.

This is the time I and Isabelle actually spend time together because we are always busy. As we found the moves we both struggle with we would laugh at those who look like their struggling more. As soon as I got the chair position Isabelle push's me a little so I could spin.

Both my arms and stomach hurt. I'm tired as hell. Before the end of the class, she wants us to incorporate all the moves together. Isabelle twerks the whole time until the back bend. When she was stuck in the back bend position I pretend to sit on her and she was screaming at me to help her.

"Ain't nobody tell you to go that far down."

I grab her arms to help her up. She was panting putting her hand over her chest while the other one was on her knee. I went to grab her water and gave it to her. When she drank half of it she was catching her breath.

"I don't understand you, you can have sex all night but can't dance on a pole for two hours."

"That is two completely different things. And besides, I get an orgasm I can have a break and still enjoy myself while someone else does the work."

I just shake my head grab both of our stuff and leave out the door. As I open the door Sebastian along with more security guards was there. The paparazzi were at a distance now. They were asking me and Isabelle questions before leaving but we just ignore them.

"Can we walk Isabelle to her car?" Sebastian just nod. As we walk her to her car we kiss each other goodbye(on the cheek). We wait until she pulls off to head to our vehicle but Sebastian told me to wait here so they can pull the car here. It was a matte black SUV with dark tent windows.

They help me into the truck because I forgot to take off these fucking heels. As soon I got in I took them off and massage my feet with arnica gel. After I was done I put on my socks and tennis shoes. When I look up I see I'm at Aiden's house again. I ask Sebastian why am I here.

"Boss orders." He opens the door and helps me out of the SUV.

"Is he here?"

"No. He told me to tell you he would be home at 8."

He opens the door for me and I just take this time to explore the house. There are like 10 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 3 living room areas, an office, an indoor pool, and a jacuzzi. I walk down to the gym and see an empty room next to it. I saw another set of stairs that leads to the basement I believe. I saw it was dark down there so I walked back up.

Since I still had my gym clothes on so I started to work on my legs and butt. I put in my headphones listening to music. Just as I was finishing I start to do my stretching so I won't feel as sore tomorrow.

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