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As we pull up to the meet I park next to Isabelle's car. I turn off the car and took a breath.

"Andre was my ex-boyfriend. He would call me his Sasha because I love the Bratz dolls so much that I look like her. I was in the seventh grade and he was in the eleventh grade. Before you judge me I didn't think age mattered. We were in a relationship for three months before he pressure me into having sex with him. I asked my friends at the time if was it a good idea some said yes some said no. Well, I trust my gut and told him no I'm not ready. I thought he respected my decision until it was time for his prom. He asked me to go with him as his date. I was happy that he asked me to go and this would be my first time going out with people who are older than me. It was my first mature party. Well, I went to prom and I sat at the table the whole time while he was dancing and talking to other people. When prom was coming to an end he asked if I wanted some punch and I said yes. Well, I didn't know it was spiked. I remember hearing people ask if was I ok but he told them that I was sleeping and it was passed my bedtime. He brought me to the hotel and he..." I was still looking straight as I was telling the story. I felt tears falling out of my eyes. I'm trying to remember all the details from that night. "All I truly remember is him pulling down my underwear and sliding my dress up and telling me I want this. Saying that I'm begging for him. That I told him I want to be his woman before I completely blacked out.

When I woke up a maid told me he left. I looked down and saw blood on the sheets cum all over me. I tried to piece it all together but I don't remember much. I look next to me and saw my classmate laying in the bed next beside me. Tied up to the bed. The maid and I untied her and woke her up. She looks at us confused and wondering where she was. The maid help us shower and brought us some clothes. She brought us to the break room and gave us enough money to catch the bus and go home.

That Monday I went to school I just felt people look at me and talk about me. I went up to my friends and that day I found out they aren't really my friends except for diamond. She told me what happened. I look at her so confused because I don't remember having sex with anyone. Until she showed me the video. It was Andre along with two of his other friends on top of me raping me. They all thought it was funny. They spit, choke, and did whatever they wanted to me. But they couldn't open my mouth as much as they wanted to it just wouldn't open. It was like my body was stiff so they couldn't do much. They went to the other girl and did even worse to her. I couldn't watch the rest of the video because I was balling my eyes out.

She told her parents about it and they were pressing charges. She would get bullied more than me at school. They would tell us what we wanted, what did we expect, calling us a whore and everything. We would walk by they would spit on us, pull our hair, would even hold us down saying do you like a baby? She dropped the charges thinking that it would stop the bullying. I tried to help the both of us get through this together. It was always us together. That's when I believe Diamond stop talking to me.

She was so happy before that incident she always wanted to help people less fortunate than herself. She wasn't a selfish person, she was so confident that they took that away from her. She lost the girl she used to be. I lost the girl I got to know. August 28 at 10:26 pm."

He faces me to him wiping my tears away. I can see him having tears in his eyes as well.

"If it wasn't for her I wouldn't know where I would be. She helps me become successful, have friends, and even meet you. I do all of this for her that sometimes I don't even know who I am."

"You are an amazing, strong, independent, beautiful woman. She helps you mold into your true self. She knew what she saw in you and knew you would be able to do it. There's this saying my mom used to tell me 'your brain never forgets it just hides your trauma so you don't lose your mind.'

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