Larry - Don't Pull Away, Push Closer

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Prompt: HEYO!!! Can I make a request? If yes, I would like to request a Larry One-Shot where Louis starts to act in a strange way around Harry and starts to get more distant. Than Harry and Louis have a serious fight in front if all the other boys (that were in Harry and Louis flat for a movie night) and than Harry goes to his room and starts sobbing loudly because he loves Louis and hates fighting with him. Than Louis goes to Harry room and tell him the truth, that he has been avoiding Harry because he has feelings for him and that he thought than if he stayed away from Harry the feelings would disappear. Harry than says that he also feels this was about Louis an than they kiss. And I was thinking if there could be some smut... But not a rough smut... A sweet, soft, loving and caring smut... Like... A LOT of love.  Pretty Please???

This is it!


Louis was slowly but surely pulling himself away from the boys. It was obvious. The way he avoided their get-togethers, the way he ignored their calls, everything was as if he was trying to forget about his band mates for good. But the person he was avoiding most was also the person that was the most hurt by this. Harry.

            Harry did his best, he really did. He tried as hard as he could to get Louis to talk to him, because surely this didn’t just happen overnight. There was something going on with Louis and he needed to figure out was it was. But every time he called Louis, it would be sent to voicemail. Every time he went over to his flat, ringing the doorbell and knocking until his knuckles were bruised. And every time he tried to have any contact with Louis, he was pushed away. Harry hated it. He wished that he could go back into the X-factor days. Back when things were as simple for them as holding hands and kissing each other’s cheeks. That’s what Harry really missed the most.

            So, Harry didn’t give up. He was relentless. He set up a movie night for all five of them at his flat, and marched over to Louis’ flat, determined.

            “Louis!” He called, hitting his fists against the door, “Louis, it’s Harry! Let me in!”

            There was no answer.

            Harry began hitting his fists harder and harder against the wood, feeling his knuckles throb. Minutes past and he refused to stop. He needed to see Louis.

            When his knuckles began to numb and start bleeding, that’s when he switched to the doorbell. Ringing it time and time again.

            Finally, the door flung open and an angry looking Louis stood there, blue bags under his eyes, yet still breathtaking to Harry.

            “Lou,” Harry croaked. He hadn’t been expecting Louis to ever answer.

            “What the hell do you want?” Louis groaned, running his hands through his already messy hair.

            “Movie night at my flat,” Harry said, “Please, please Louis. I miss you. We all miss you,”

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