~ Chapter Thirteen

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General pov*
It's been 2 weeks since Hailey and her family reconnected. Not including her dad. They all went for lunch the other day, and Hailey still hasn't said a word to Andrew.

Hailey's pov*
Olivia's mom is finally doing better, so Olivia can babysit Paisley again. She offered to do a late night tonight, so that I could go to Molly's with the team. Of course I accepted her offer and gave her a tip.

Olivia always insists that I don't have to pay her, but it wouldn't feel right if I didn't. She says that she does it for the joy of Paisley, not for the money. But I still pay her.

Jay gave me a ride to Molly's, and Kim rode with Adam. Vanessa must of rode with Kevin, because when we got there, her car wasn't.

We all walked into Molly's and sat at our usual table.

"Hey Herrmann, can we get six beers over here." Jay shouts across the room.

"Yeah, you got it." Herrmann shouts back.

"Okay, I've got to ask, how did you know that guy was guilty?" Kim asks me.

"No. No work talk." I say trying to avoid the question.

The case they had just solved, involved a missing girl. It turns out that the girls father had murdered her and her mother.

Hailey has an eye for these cases. She knows all of the signs of domestic abuse. Given what she went through as a child.

"Okay then, let's talk about you two." Kim says, looking at Kevin and Vanessa.

"What about us?" Vanessa laughs.

"You ready to admit that you're dating yet?" Kim asks.

Kevin and Vanessa look at eachother for a moment, before Kev speaks up.

"Fine. You happy now?" He laughs.

"Very." Kim smiles.

Herrmann must have heard our conversation, because as soon as he placed our beers on the table, he turned around.

"Hey guys, you owe me a 40!" He shouts over at the bar, where 51 were sat.

They all rolled their eyes and everyone laughed.

"You were betting on us?" Vanessa asks.

"Obviously. Easiest money I've ever made." He smiles.

We've been at Molly's for about 30 minutes, when Adam cracks his 6th joke. Everytime Jay criticises him, making him try harder on the next one.

Everyone's nearly finished with the first round and Kevin's about to get the second. We're all laughing and joking around when I see a man stood at the bar. He turns his head to the side, exposing his face, and I recognise him instantly. It's my dad. I feel the smile on my face quickly disappear, and I grow anxious.

"Don't ya Hails." Adam laughs, nudging my shoulder, making me flinch.

"Hailey?" Kim says concerned.

My dad locks his eyes with mine and begins to walk my way. I quickly stand up and grab my jacket.

"Can you drop me home please?" I hurriedly ask Jay.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Please Jay." I practically beg as I'm holding back my tears.

"Yeah, yeah we can go." He says worriedly as he stands up, putting his hand on my shoulder, and picking up his jacket.

"See you later guys." Jay says to the team.

As we walk away from the table, I feel so on edge. I link my arm around Jay's, and lean my head on his shoulder as we walk away.

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