~ Chapter Four

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Jay's pov*
I still can't believe that Hailey has a kid. A two month old. And she looks just like her. I've known about her for two days and in that time Hailey and I have grown even closer. Paisley has also started to form a bond with me and I love it so much. I can see how much work Hailey has to put into being a mother, especially on her own. I'm so glad that she is allowing me to help her.

On my way to her apartment after work I stopped and grabbed a pizza for us to share. When I got to her apartment, I knocked on the door and an exhausted Hailey welcomed me in. I set the pizza box down on the counter and grabbed Paisley out of her arms.

"Thanks Jay." She said.

"No problem Hails. My apartments lonely anyway." I laughed.

Hailey laughed in response and gave me a sweet smile.

I walked over to the sofa, still holding Paisley on my chest, her head resting on my shoulder. Hailey followed behind us, carrying the pizza box and placing it on the coffee table.

As we sat down I motioned for Hailey to move closer and she did. She rested her head on my other shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her.

Once we finished our pizza, both Hailey and Paisley were asleep. I decided that I would go to sleep too since we had a long day at work.

Hailey's pov*
Jay and I must have fell asleep because when I woke up it was dark outside and Paisley was crying, still on Jay's chest.

"Oh baby, what's the matter." I said in my baby voice whilst picking her up.

Just then Jay started to wake up.

"Is she okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, probably just hungry." I said.

I was craddling Paisley back and forth in my arms and she felt warm.

"She feels really warm." I said.

Jay gave me a concerned look as I stood up with her in my arms, walking into the kitchen. I opened the medicine drawer and grabbed the thermometer.

At this point Jay was stood behind me. I took Paisley's temperature and it was really high.

"102.3" I said and Jay looked at me even more concerned than before.

I gave her some medicine but she wouldn't stop crying. I tried to nurse her but she was still crying.

"I don't know what's wrong." I shouted to Jay over her cries, whilst bouncing her on my hip.

"Do you wanna take her to Med?" He asked.

"Can you drive?" I asked.

"Yeah of course. Let's go." He said.

We put our shoes on and I wrapped a blanket around Paisley. We left the apartment and Jay drove to Med.

As Jay was driving I sat with Paisley in my arms, still crying.

"Come on baby, it's okay." I said to her.

Just as Jay pulled up to Med she stopped crying.

Jay's pov*
Paisley was crying during the whole drive. Once we finally got to the hospital she had cried herself to sleep. I parked the truck and Hailey and I walked into Med. I saw Natalie straight away and asked her if she could help.

"Hey Nat, can you check Paisley over please? She has a really high fever and she wouldn't stop crying." I explained.

"Of course, follow me." Natalie replied, leading us to an open treatment room.

"So who's this sweetie?" She asked.

I looked at Hailey and she was too focused on Pais. I gave her a nudge and she looked at Nat.

"She's mine. My daughter." Hailey said.

Hailey's pov*
30 minutes later Paisley had to be taken for tests. Will, Jay's brother, let us sit in the doctor's lounge while we waited. I was pacing back and forth and I must have got lost in my thoughts, thinking about the worst possible outcome and I felt my breathing start to become uneasy.

"Hails?" Jay said worriedly.

"I- I can't breathe." I said.

"I think you're having a panick attack. Come sit down." He said, guiding me over to the sofa in the corner of the room.

"Just follow my breathing." He said. "In and out."

Once I steadied my breathing I broke down into Jay's chest. I had my head on his chest, crying hysterically, whilst he was cuddling me, trying to calm me down.

Once I calmed down Jay kept me in his arms until Paisley was back. I tried to feed her and she barely ate.

After about an hour of tests and trying to get Paisley to nurse, Natalie came into the room.

"Hey guys, thanks for being so patient." She said.

"Do you know what's wrong with her?" I asked.

"Well it's looking like an ear infection and we can prescribe her some meds that should clear it up." She replied.

"Thank you so much Nat." I said, holding my baby girl close.

"You're so welcome. I'll get started on Paisley's discharge paperwork and get you home as soon as possible. I'll send a nurse in with her meds." She smiled.

Jay and I both gave her a smile as she walked out of the room.

"Take you home?" Jay asked contently.

"Yes please. If you don't mind." I said, not wanting to trouble him if he had somewhere he needed to be.

"Course not." He smiled.

"I'll only be watching movies on my own back at my apartment anyway." He laughed.

I laughed in response and Natalie came back into the room.

Paisley had finally been discharged and Natalie promised not to say anything about Paisley until the team knows. Jay drove me and Paisley home and he stayed for a movie. Paisley was asleep in her nursery and Jay and I fell asleep on the sofa. We both ended up staying there for the whole night and Paisley didn't cry once.

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