~ Chapter One

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Hailey's pov*
I woke up at 6am to the sound of my alarm blasting through me. Garrett was starting to wake up next to me, and Paisley was still asleep. Garrett pulled me close to him and we cuddled for a bit.

Paisley started crying about 10 minutes after I had woken up. Garrett began to get out of bed to attend to the baby.

"I'll come with you." I said.

"It's fine you can get some more sleep." He replied.

"I'm fine, I just want to see my baby girl." I said, smiling.

Garrett held his hand out to me and I grabbed it. We walked over to Paisley's nursery and I picked her up.

"Hey baby." I said in my baby voice.

Paisley started to calm her cries and eventually she stopped. I passed her over to Garrett and went to get ready for work.

Garrett's pov*
Once Hailey handed Paisley over to me, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She looked so much like Hailey. Her blonde hair and her blue eyes looked just like hers. I feel so lucky to be able to hold both of my girls.

Hailey's pov*
When I was ready for work I gave Garrett a quick kiss, since he had today off, and then I held Paisley close to my chest.

Once I said my goodbyes I left for work. The day seemed to go by pretty fast and we didn't catch a case. When my shift was over I went straight home, planning on snuggling down with my boyfriend and our baby girl.

However, when I made it to the apartment Garrett was gone. Then I saw a spot of blood leading from the kitchen island to the front door. I quickly ran into Paisley's nursery and she was asleep in her crib. I picked her up and dialled Zoey.

"Zo it's Garrett. He's gone and there's blood in the apartment. I don't know where he is Zo." I said, quite fast and quite panicked.

"Slow down Hails, what do you mean gone?" Zoey replied, trying to make sense of what Hailey was saying.

"I mean he's not here." I snapped.

"Where's Pais is she okay?" She asked.

"She's fine. They left her in her crib and she fell asleep. Or they didn't know she was there." I told her.

"Okay I'm on my way Hails. You need to stay calm for Paisley." Zoey said.

"Thanks Zo, please hurry." I pleaded.

Once Zoey hung up I couldn't stay in the apartment incase they came back. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Paisley then a jacket for myself.

I walked out of the apartment making sure not to touch anything that could contaminate evidence.

When we were outside I sat down on the edge of the pavement waiting for Zoey to pull up. She did about a minute later.

She got out of her car and came rushing towards me. She could see that I was about to burst into tears so she pulled me into a hug.

"It's gonna be okay Hails. Were gonna get him back." She reassured me.

All I could do was cry. What if he was already dead? How would I cope with Pais on my own?

An hour later*

Our apartment is now full of people from forensics trying to find any evidence or any traces of someone elses DNA. They found nothing. There was nothing that they could do because there wasn't a case without any sort of evidence.

Once everyone had left the apartment I couldn't go inside.

"Zo..." I started.

"Hails you can come stay with me for as long as you need. Your not alone and I'm here for you whatever you need." She said.

"Thanks Zo." I replied gratefully, tears still forming in my eyes.

I looked down to my chest to see that Paisley had fallen asleep. I went upstairs to my apartment to grab everything that we would need for the next few days.

The next morning*

I woke up to the sound of crying next to me. It was Paisley. I picked her up and held her close whilst rocking her back and forth.

"Hey Pais." I said, "I love you so much my baby girl." I continued, tears falling from my eyes.

When Hailey Falls In LoveOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara