~ Chapter Six

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Jay's pov*
Two hours have passed since Hailey and Kim were kidnapped. The whole team have been looking for any POD footage but nothing. We have no leads whatsoever. I keep thinking about Paisley. What happens to Pais if we can't get them back? I know she's safe at the minute with Olivia so that has my mind a little at ease. I don't want to tell Olivia what's going on because from what I can tell she really cares about Hailey, and she will probably freak out and come down to the district with Paisley, which is the last thing Hailey needs right now.

"I've got something!" Ruzek shouted.

Voight comes rushing out of his office as everyone gathers around Adam's desk.

"What have you got Ruz?" I asked desperately.

"We've got a red pick-up truck heading into the location where Hailey and Kim were taken. We got partial plates, but we don't have enough for facial rec, but from what we can see the driver matches Jay's description."

"Alright, Adam work on getting them plates and I want to know who this pick-up belongs to. Kevin I need you to run through POD's near the location and see what you can find. Jay, Vanessa I want statements from everyone in the area. Antonio I need you to head to the scene of the kidnapping and find any evidence. Two of our own are missing. We don't stop until we get them home safe."

"We're on it Sarge." I said.

Everyone started on their tasks straight away as Vanessa and I began to head to my truck. Seeing her sat where Hailey usually sits made me miss her even more. I know we're going to get her back. We have to. For her and for Paisley.

Hailey's pov*
"Where are you taking us?" I asked.

"Shut up before I blow your head off." The driver said.

"Listen man, I can get you money I just need to call my brother." Kim shouted.

"I said shut up!" He replied, becoming more agitated.

Kim and I fell silent as he kept driving.

The other guy kept his gun to my head and all I could think about was Paisley.
What if I never get to see my baby girl's face again? Who's going to look after her if I'm not there?

I was lost in my thoughts when we eventually pulled up at a cabin. The men grabbed us by the arm and pulled us out of the truck. They closed the doors behind us and started pushing us forward into the cabin. Once we were inside, they took us into a basement with hard, concrete floors. They tied us both to a different pole and left the room.

"How are we gonna get out of here?" Kim asks.

"I don't know Kim." I reply, Kim started to try and break the zip ties.

"What are you doing?" I ask firmly.

"Tryna get out of here." She said.

"Kim, we have to sit tight. Their probably still up there and we can't risk getting caught."

Kim is hesitant but she eventually nods and sits down.

A few minutes later the men come back into the room.

"Use this, call your brother." He said whilst handing Kim a phone. Kim starts to dial but there's no service.

"No service." Kim says. The man unties Kim from the pole and pushes her out of the room.

After about 30 minutes the other guy brings me some water.

"Hey man, can you please redo my zip ties? Their really tight and I can barely feel my hands." I ask.

He rolls his eyes and bends down to my level and begins to untie me. I keep talking to him as a distraction and as soon as my hands are free, I punch him in the face and kick the pole to free my legs. I stand up and grab a piece of wood as he starts to get up. I hit him as hard as i can with the wood and he falls to the floor. When he gets back up he pushes me against the wall and punches me repeatedly all over my body. He throws me to the floor and I can't even move. He uses chains to tie me up instead of zip ties.

Kim's pov*
After calling Adam, pretending that he was my brother and setting a meet, we enter the basement and I see Hailey laying on the floor, completely lifeless.

"What did you do to her!" I shouted.

"She tried to escape so I had to teach her a lesson." He laughed.

"You son of a bitch." I scoffed.

He continues to laugh as he leaves the room.

Jay's pov*
Another 3 hours has passed so they have now been missing for 5 hours. However, we finally have a lead suspect, Dean Walker, that we are trying to track down.

"Got it!" Kevin shouts.

The team gather round his desk.

"Walker owns a cabin in the woods on Renvel Road." Atwater says.

"Hit it! Now!" Voight orders.

As we head down to our vehicles I message Olivia and ask her if Paisley is okay. I had to tell her about Hailey being taken because she wouldn't be home on time. She messaged me back straight away, sending me a picture of Paisley curled up in her bassinet.

Once we arrived at the woods we began our search for the cabin. There were patrol officers and canines everywhere trying to find Hailey and Kim. After an hour of searching Adam and I came across a pair of boot prints in the dirt which led to a trail of tyre marks.

We both start running, following the trail, with the team behind us.

After running for a few minutes, I saw a cabin in the distance.

"There it is!" I shout, beginning to run faster.

Once we make it to the cabin, without any hesitation I kick down the door.

"Hailey! Kim! Call out!" Adam and I shout.
Each of us take a different room and I notice the basement. I begin to walk down to the dark room. I open the door to reveal Kim tied to a pole with no visible injuries.

However, when I turn my head slightly I see Hailey. Lifeless on the floor. I run over to her and she is covered in blood.

"Jay she's been in and out of consciousness for the past 2 hours." Kim says.

"5021 George I need an ambo to my location now! Officer down! I repeat officer down!" I shout into my radio.

That's when the rest of the team enter the basement and Adam unties Kim.

"Jay does she have a pulse!" Voight asks, shouting.

"Barely, where's that ambo!" I reply.

Hailey starts to gain consciousness, but is very disoriented, "Paisley." She manages to whisper so only I could hear.

"She's fine, she's with Olivia." I whisper back.

Her eyes slowly start to shut again when the ambo arrives.

After 5 minutes Hailey is in the back of the ambo and on her way to med. I'm in the back of the ambulance with her while the rest of the team are following behind. When we get to Med I am greeted by Will.

"Jay, what the hell happened?" He asked.

"Hailey and Kim were kidnapped. Kim's fine but you gotta save Hailey man." I begged.

"I've got her Jay. I promise." He says whilst wheeling Hailey into trauma 3.

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