~ Chapter Five

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Hailey's pov*
I woke up at around 6 like I usually do. However, I'm not usually in someones arms when I wake up. I opened my eyes clearer and saw Jay on the sofa next to me, with my head on his chest and his arm wrapped around me. He was awake and he stared into my eyes.

We sat staring at eachother for what felt like hours, although it was just minutes. We were both so lost in each others eyes that we didn't hear the crying coming from Paisley's nursery when it first started.

When we finally heard her cries, the moment that Jay and I had just shared had ended. I broke eye contact with him and got up and headed into Paisley.

I picked Paisley up out of her crib and went to the kitchen with her on my chest.

"You have anything I can make you for breakfast?" Jay asked.

"I might have some eggs but that's it." I smiled, awkwardly.

"I'll see what I can do" Jay smiled, making me smile back.

I began to nurse Paisley and threw a blanket over her while I did so. I didn't want to make Jay feel uncomfortable. Jay finished making us some scrambled eggs and we sat and ate.

Once Paisley was finished nursing I layed her against my chest once again. She had her head on my shoulder and I gave her a kiss on the forehead. Jay and I continued to finish our breakfast and then I took the dishes over to the counter and began to wash them.

When I was done I saw Jay sat on the sofa, holding Paisley in the air. I leaned against the counter and thought about how good Jay was with kids. How good he was with my kid. The fact that Paisley is so little and he is so gentle with her. The fact that he doesn't have to help me with her but he chooses to.

General pov*
Hailey stood in awe of Paisley's bond with Jay until there was a knock at the door. Hailey walked over to the door and looked through the peep hole. To her surprise, it was Olivia, Paisley's babysitter. Hailey was confused as to why Olivia was at her apartment since she usually takes Paisley to her.

"Hey Hailey, a pipe burst in my apartment so I can't have Paisley there. I know I could of texted but it was all kind of last minute." Olivia laughed.

"That's fine Liv, you can stay here with Pais if that's okay with you." Hailey said.

"Yeah of course! I love Paisley, she's such a joy." Olivia replied.

Hailey welcomed Olivia into her apartment and Jay was still playing with Paisley as she held her toys up to him. Paisley may only be a small 2 month old, but she is still quite smart. She loves interacting with people. Especially Hailey since she is her mother. Paisley fell quite fond of Jay even when they first met. She instantly grew attached to him and their bond has only gotten stronger.

Hailey walked over to the sofa and lifted Paisley into her arms.

"Look who's here baby girl." Hailey said to Paisley.

"Hey Missy." Olivia said.

Paisley smiled when she saw Olivia, creating a shocked look on her face.

"Did she just smile?" Olivia asked, smiling.

"Uh-huh" Hailey smiled. "She started the other day."

"Oh my god Paisley your growing too fast!" Olivia said, stroking Paisley's cheek with her thumb.

After Hailey and Olivia exchanged a few more words, Jay stood up and introduced himself. It soon reached 7:30 which meant they had to leave for work.

As Jay and Hailey were heading out the door, Hailey gave Paisley a kiss on the head and said, "Bye baby girl, be a good girl for Liv."

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