~ Chapter Seven

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Jay's pov*
The whole team has been pacing back and forth in the waiting room for hours, waiting for any news on Hailey. I'm sat in one of the chairs with my head in my hands. I texted Olivia again a few minutes ago, when no one was around, and told her that we found Hailey and that I will update her as soon as I hear anything. Kim was discharged after about an hour of observation with nothing wrong with her.

We had been waiting for 3 hours when I saw Will enter the waiting room. I immediately stand up and he walks closer.

"How is she?" I ask straight away.

"She's stable and there is no internal damage. She has a concussion and a few broken ribs but that's the worst of it. She has some lacerations to her face but we were able to sort them out and they are just fine. She should make a full recovery in no time." Will smiles.

"Thanks man." I say whilst hugging him.

"No problem bro. She can some visitors in a while but she needs to rest for now." He says.

I nod in response, smiling for the second time since Hailey and Kim went missing. The first being when Will said that Hailey would be okay. I turn back to the team and they all look at me.

"I'm gonna go grab her a few things from her apartment." I say, and they all nod at me and smile.

As I'm leaving the hospital I see them all sit down looking alot more relaxed.

Once I'm in my truck I head to Hailey's apartment. I'm going to grab a few things for Hailey, like comfier clothes and other essentials. I'm also going to bring Paisley to see her since she was asking for her before the ambo arrived.

When I got to Hailey's apartment I opened the door with the spare key that Hailey gave me and called out to Olivia.

"Olivia! It's me Jay, are you here?" I shout as I walk through the door. Olivia comes walking around the corner and sees Jay.

"Hey Jay. How's Hailey doing?" She asks.

"She's gonna be fine. I was going to grab her a few things and take Paisley to see her if that's okay." I reply.

"Of course you can! She's still awake in her bassinet." She says.

After 20 minutes I finish packing Hailey a bag of her things and I get Paisley ready to go. I wrap her in a blanket and put a little baby hat ontop of her head.

"Thanks for taking care of her Liv." I thank Olivia.

"No problem, give Hailey my love." She replies.

"Will do." I say as I leave the apartment and close the door.

I walk to my truck and after 5 minutes of trying to work out how to buckle Paisley's baby seat in, we are finally on our way to the hospital.

Once we arrive, the team are all crowded around the vending machine, which helps me out since I can sneak past them. I finally make it to Hailey's room and open the door. I put the bag down next to the chair and tap Hailey on the shoulder.

"Hey Hails, wake up. Someone wants to see you." I say smiling as she wakes up.

Her eyes widen as she sees Paisley in my arms.

"Hey baby girl. Mommy missed you." She said whilst taking Paisley from my arms.

Hailey's pov*
When I woke up I saw Jay with Paisley in his arms.

"Hey baby girl. Mommy missed you." I said.

I took Paisley from Jay's arms and layed her on my chest. She fell to sleep straight away. Jay was now sat in the chair beside my bed.

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